Elohim! Elohim! Mighty God lives in Us.

He became a man after God’s own heart, even though he was hated with passion that never changed his focus and mission on earth, he spent his lifetime to serve God in truth and in spirit and to serve humanity with genuine heart of love, and as God will have it, he exited this world same month as he was born and today heaven is rejoicing that a saint is welcomed back home after a glorious assignment achieved here on earth.

Indeed, his inlet into this world may have been known by everyone but his exit became a talk of the whole world, even in his grave he is still being persecuted, yet he was a man after God’s own heart.

He became a mantle carrier, a source of healing, source of deliverance, source of blessing, a source of comfort to the needy and above all, a kingdom builder among men, who lived to spend more on others and less on himself. But it is very unfortunate that throughout his life time upon all the good he did, he was hated with passion among men, persecuted, chastised, blackmailed yet he was loved by God; he became a man after God’s own heart, even though he was hated with passion that never changed his focus and mission on earth, he spent his lifetime to serve God in truth and in spirit and to serve humanity with genuine heart of love, and as God will have it, he exited this world same month as he was born and today heaven is rejoicing that a saint is welcomed back home after a glorious assignment achieved here on earth. Indeed, his inlet into this world may have not been known by everyone but his exit became a talk of the whole world, even in his grave he is still being persecuted, yet he was a man after God’s own heart.

Welcome home blessed of God, welcome home saint of God, heaven is rejoicing that you accomplished your task and you exited this wicked world with a crown of glory. Heaven will always celebrate you just as earth is still celebrating you. Your legacy lives on. We are talking about a man known as Senior Prophet T.B. Joshua of the blessed memory. Live on in spirit, live on in spirit, live on in spirit. At last, at the end of this world we shall meet in heaven where you are resting.

The Lord bless your good works, bless your family that you left behind, bless the ministry The Synagogue Church Of All Nations and above all, your legacy lives on in the lives of those who you took time to groom here on earth, among whom is the boy that loves you so much, Wiseman Daniel. I know, the imprints of your suffering and achievements lives on in the lives of your children and today your son Wiseman Daniel still celebrates you and your legacy lives on in his heart.

Elohim! Elohim!! Mighty God lives in us

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