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This is NOT an official Blog of The Everlasting Light Of Hope International Ministry (ELOHIM) headed by Wiseman Daniel. We are fans of Wiseman Daniel’s ministries who love the happening in the ELOHIM. We’re trying to focus on the stories that many leave out about Wiseman Daniel and the ELOHIM.

Grateful Servants Keep the Legacy of Their Master: A Tribute to Prophet TB Joshua on His 61st Posthumous Birthday

In a heartwarming tribute to the 61st posthumous birthday of Prophet TB Joshua, Wiseman Daniel, along with his wife and the ELOHIM team, organized a series of charitable events in Abuja, Nigeria. The celebration was marked by visits to orphanage homes where they distributed food items and medical materials, embodying the philanthropic spirit of Prophet TB Joshua.

Wiseman Daniel served under the mentorship of Prophet TB Joshua for many years as a disciple at The Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN). During this time, he learned the importance of selfless service and compassion. Eventually, he was anointed and released by the Prophet to start his own ministry, Everlasting Life of Hope Ministry (ELOHIM), based in Abuja.

The ELOHIM team also organized a medical check-up outreach as part of the celebrations. This initiative provided essential health services to the community, reflecting the caring and generous nature of their late mentor. In his speech during the medical check-up, Wiseman Daniel emphasized the enduring legacy of Prophet TB Joshua. He stated, “We are here to mark the posthumous birthday of our lovely father, a legend and a man of large heart. A man who lived to spend more on others and less on himself …”

The events not only honored Prophet TB Joshua’s memory but also continued his mission of helping those in need. By sharing food, medical supplies, and healthcare, Wiseman Daniel and the ELOHIM team demonstrated that the values and teachings of Prophet TB Joshua continue to inspire and guide their actions.

Through these acts of kindness, Wiseman Daniel and his team reaffirmed their commitment to the legacy of their master, ensuring that his vision of love and compassion remains alive. As they celebrated his life and work, they reminded the world of the impact one individual can have when they dedicate their life to serving others.


Elohim! Mighty God lives in us
Happy Good Friday!
Happy Easter in Advance!

Jesus Christ came as a good man, but many saw him as a bad man. His goodness affected the lives of many, including you and me. We Christians are Christ-like people today because of the amazing grace of His resurrection power. Glory be to God in the highest! Jesus Christ came as the Messiah, I mean, He came as someone sent by His Heavenly Father to die for our sins and eventually bring salvation to us. In other words, He came as a salvation provider – as the Savior of the whole world – but many saw Him as the king of beelzebub, but for us as Christians, our salvation is as sure as the rising of the sun through His death and the resurrection power. Glory be to God in the highest!

As Christians, see this Good Friday as the beginning of goodness in your life; see this Easter as an opportunity to dedicate your life to God, make restitution, make amendments, reconcile all things where necessary, ask for forgiveness, and move forward without compromising your salvation, which is the ultimate thing in this life.

Happy Good Friday and happy Easter in advance once again and God bless you.
Elohim! Mighty God lives in us! (John 14:23)

Wiseman Daniel Birthday Message to Wiseman Christopher Orji


Happy birthday to a brother, a colleague, and a wonderful friend, who together with me were brought up by a wonderful mentor, coach, and loving father- in the person of senior Prophet T.B. Joshua of the blessed memory. I stand to say that; you are a promised child, a product of Jesus’ economy; no weapon formed against you shall prosper. God loves you as much as He does any of His Apostles.

Therefore, Wiseman Christopher, happy birthday to you. I remember those days when we were students at the University of God- The Synagogue Church of All Nations. In fact, you are a warrior in the kingdom business as we can see. I am not surprised to see you flying in anointing today.

Happy birthday once again, my dear brother. Keep it up. Heaven is getting populated by your efforts at the call of God.

Elohim! Mighty God lives in us! (John 14:23).

Unveiling the Truth: Racheal’s Controversial Journey within SCOAN – A Closer Look

In this exploration, we delve into the narrative surrounding Racheal, one of the accusers featured in the controversial staged and fabricated BBC documentary targeting Prophet TB Joshua and the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN). Understanding her background sheds light on the complexities of the accusations and the motivations behind her actions.

Racheal’s familial context becomes crucial in comprehending her trajectory. Her father, Nicholas Holmes, assumes significance in this narrative, as his role becomes instrumental in her eventual departure from SCOAN and the adoption of a blasphemous stance. Racheal embarked on her SCOAN journey seeking deliverance. However, what remains undisclosed is the reason she remained under the stronghold of her demon, now Legions even after her first deliverance.

The reasons for Racheal’s journey to SCOAN was a deeply ingrained problem known at the SCOAN as the ‘Spirit of Women,’ manifesting as an attraction to individuals of the same sex (Lesbianism). Seeking a solution, her family took her to SCOAN for spiritual intervention and deliverance. Following the deliverance sessions with Prophet TB Joshua, Racheal experienced a transformation—her previously intense desires for individuals of the same gender come to an end. Filled with gratitude for this newfound freedom, she expressed her interest in becoming a disciple at SCOAN’s headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria.

Prophet TB Joshua, trusting in Racheal’s sincerity, transformation and show of genuine repentance, accepted her as a disciples and bestowed upon her numerous responsibilities within SCOAN. Her commitment and devotion were acknowledged as she was anointed as a Junior Prophet, attaining the second-highest rank in SCOAN’s hierarchy under Prophet TB Joshua. This elevation showcased the level of trust and goodwill the Prophet extended to Racheal.

However, unknown to everyone, a sinister plot was unfolding. Racheal, in collaboration with her father, who held a position in the accounting department as the head, was clandestinely orchestrating the embezzlement of church funds from the SCOAN London branch in the UK. The very trust bestowed upon her by the Prophet was exploited for personal gain, revealing a hidden agenda that would later impacted Racheal profoundly.

How Racheal Loses her Deliverance – The Sins Of The Father

Despite undergoing deliverance that seemingly freed Racheal from her struggles with same-sex attraction, a disconcerting chapter emerged when reports surfaced of her engaging in sexual molestation of fellow female disciples within their living quarters at the SCOAN. Disturbed by these revelations, the affected individuals brought the matter to Prophet TB Joshua’s attention, prompting swift action.

In response to the reports, Prophet TB Joshua decided to send Racheal back to her parents in the UK. Acknowledging her repentance and plea to return, she was eventually welcomed back into the Church. However, Prophet TB Joshua, still perplexed by the recurrence of Racheal’s previous behavior, initiated an inquiry that would unearth a shocking revelation.

The Prophet discovered a deeply troubling collaboration between Racheal and her father, Mr. Nicholas Holmes, who held a significant position as the head of the SCOAN UK branch’s accounting department. It was unveiled that they were embezzling funds meant for the SCOAN UK branch, with Mr. Holmes allegedly indulging in extravagant lifestyle that he was found of purchasing new car often during this illicit collaboration.

Prophet TB Joshua, in response to this breach of trust and financial malfeasance, made the decision to remove Mr. Nicholas Holmes from the accounting department, replacing him with another individual, Mr. Samuel Durojaye. This decisive action, however, triggered a vehement reaction from Racheal. Fiercely loyal to her father, she adamantly declared that if her father was to be removed from his position, she would sever ties with the ministry of Prophet TB Joshua.

Racheal Now Rae, Enthralled by Legions of Darkness

“When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.”

Mathew 12:23-45 (NIV)

In the aftermath of this conflict, Racheal left SCOAN without undergoing the second deliverance she so evidently required. The scripture make use to understand in Matthew 12:43-45 (NIV) that a person can lose her deliverance due to sin and be repossessed by even more and worst demons. Racheal presently is under the influence of legions of demons – Possessed by the Multitudes of Infernal Spirits far worse than before her coming to the SCOAN. Contrary to her claim that SCOAN’s deliverance is ineffective, the underlying motive for her departure was her vehement objection to her father’s removal from the accounting department.

It is crucial to dispel the narrative propagated by Racheal, emphasizing that her lack of deliverance was not due to any inherent flaw in the deliverances taken place in the SCOAN. Instead, Racheal departure was fueled by a sinful pursuit of financial gain by her and her father, Mr. Nicholas Holmes, a betrayal of the trust bestowed upon them by Prophet TB Joshua.

Amidst these campaign of calumny against Prophet TB Joshua and The SCOAN, it is imperative for the world to discern the truth from the falsehoods presented by Racheal. The testimonies of numerous individuals within SCOAN who have experienced genuine healing and deliverance stand as a testament to the authenticity of the ministry. Let the fruits of SCOAN’s impact speak louder than the distortions created by one individual’s misguided actions. Healing and deliverance are real and authentic for those who believe and seek them with genuine hearts.

This revelation invites us to question the motivations behind Racheal’s accusations and whether her actions were driven by a genuine disillusionment with SCOAN or if they were influenced by personal vendettas and concealed intentions.

Below are some videos testimonies of individuals who experienced deliverance from the same spirit that Racheal claimed she did not find deliverance from at the SCOAN:

Celebrating 51 Glorious Years of Wisdom and Faith: Happy Birthday, Wiseman Daniel!

As the sun rises on this joyous occasion, we gather to celebrate the remarkable journey of Wiseman Daniel, the guiding light of The Everlasting Light of Hope Ministry (ELOHIM). With immense gratitude and admiration, we extend our heartfelt wishes on his 51st birthday. Join us as we honor his unwavering dedication, wisdom, and faith that have touched countless lives and continue to inspire us all.

Wiseman Daniel’s journey has been one marked by purpose and devotion. From humble beginnings, he embarked on a mission to spread the message of love, hope, and faith. Through his teachings and leadership, he has touched the hearts of many, fostering a sense of community and empowering individuals to discover their own paths of spiritual growth.

Wiseman Daniel’s unwavering commitment to spiritual enlightenment has been a guiding light for his congregation. With each sermon, he skillfully imparts wisdom and offers guidance, helping his flock navigate life’s challenges with grace and courage. His profound understanding of scripture and ability to connect with people on a personal level have made him an invaluable source of inspiration.

Throughout the years, Wiseman Daniel has touched the lives of countless individuals, providing solace, encouragement, and a renewed sense of purpose. His compassion knows no bounds, as he tirelessly supports and uplifts those in need, both within the congregation and the wider community. His unwavering faith has kindled hope where there was despair and brought healing where there was pain.

Under the visionary leadership of Pastor Wiseman Daniel, The Everlasting Light of Hope Ministry (ELOHIM) has flourished. With his exceptional leadership qualities, he has brought unity, growth, and spiritual nourishment to the congregation. His ability to envision a brighter future and motivate others to work towards it has been instrumental in the ministry’s outreach and impact.

On this momentous occasion, we celebrate the 51st birthday of Wiseman Daniel, a true embodiment of faith, wisdom, and compassion. His unwavering dedication to his ministry and the lives he has touched is a testament to his remarkable character. As we extend our heartfelt wishes, let us also express our profound gratitude for his relentless pursuit of spreading love and hope. Happy birthday, Man Of God, Wiseman Daniel! May your life continue to shine brightly, inspiring generations to come. Amen 🙏 🙏

Defending the Legacy: Chris and Gina Speak Out on Prophet TB Joshua and SCOAN

In the wake of recent falsehood against Prophet TB Joshua and The Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) in a fabricated and staged BBC documentary, Chris and his wife Gina, a former disciple, have come forward to share their personal experiences. Chris, speaking passionately, begins by recounting his transformative journey with SCOAN, initiated by an evangelist’s gift of anointing water in 2011 or 2012. Struggling with mental illness, addiction, and depression, Chris found healing through the anointing water, emphasizing that Prophet TB Joshua did not advise him to stop his medication.

Chris’s life took a positive turn after his encounter with SCOAN, leading him to work with Emanuel TV USA. He expresses gratitude for the opportunities to travel the world, attend crusades, and experience financial blessings facilitated by Prophet TB Joshua. He underscores that Prophet TB Joshua always acknowledged being a vessel, not the ultimate healer or deliverer.

Gina, Chris’s wife, shares her testimony, highlighting that she joined SCOAN as a virgin and left as one, debunking false allegations of sexual abuse. She commends Prophet TB Joshua as a loving and caring spiritual father, refuting the falsehood made in the BBC documentary.

The couple addresses the impact of false accusations on their lives, stressing their unwavering support for Prophet TB Joshua, SCOAN, and Emmanuel TV. Chris passionately defends the integrity of Prophet TB Joshua, emphasizing the positive changes in their lives through the ministry.

In the face of adversity, the couple urges viewers to seek the truth, pray, and trust the Holy Spirit to reveal the reality. They stand united in support of Prophet TB Joshua, emphasizing that their lives have been positively transformed through SCOAN.

Watch the full speech on YouTube and Rumble:

Mary Titilayo: A Testament to TB Joshua’s True Character and Miraculous Acts

In a compelling testimony, Mary Titilayo, one of Prophet TB Joshua’s earliest disciples, breaks her silence over the false allegations raised by some ex-disciples in the failed BBC documentary. Mary, who lived with TB Joshua from 1991 to 1999, shares unknown facts about the late prophet, shedding light on his character and the miraculous events at The Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN).

Mary describes TB Joshua as a holy, humble, and pure-hearted man who cared deeply for his followers and their families. She emphasizes that the news circulating about him brings her to tears, prompting her to courageously reveal the truth about this “pure man of God.”

The testimony delves into the early years, highlighting TB Joshua’s intense prayer life. Mary vividly recalls a significant event in 1991-92 when TB Joshua prayed fervently for 9:00am to 9:00pm on his knees. She also give an account on how the Prophet prayed on the dry ground that is presently the SCOAN Prayer Mountain, leading to the miraculous emergence of water at that specific location. She attests to the divine nature of this water, which continues to be a source of healing for many.

Addressing the recent criticisms and allegations, Mary passionately defends TB Joshua, stating that he was a genuine man of God, a man of faith, and humility. She expresses sorrow for those speaking against him and reminds them of the biblical principle that those who fight against God will not succeed.

Mary also counters the accusations of Bisola Johnson. She narrates an incident where she personally provided clothing for Bisola and highlights the inconsistency in her present-day criticism. She said Bisola would have been a mad person by now if not for the Prayers she received from Prophet TB Joshua.

In her impassioned defense, Mary underscores TB Joshua’s impact globally, having conducted crusades in 52 countries. She challenges those criticizing him to reflect on their own contributions to their families and communities, asserting that TB Joshua’s work is a testament to his divine calling.

The testimony concludes with a powerful message that the work of God initiated by TB Joshua cannot be brought down by individuals, as it started from humble beginnings under bamboo and has expanded to every part of the world. Mary salutes TB Joshua’s wife, Mama Evelyn Joshua, acknowledging her strength and commitment to the church even during challenging times.

To witness Mary Titilayo’s heartfelt testimony and gain insights into TB Joshua’s life and impact, watch the full video on YouTube:

Unveiling the Briton Media Racial Agenda Against TB Joshua and SCOAN on BBC Documentary

In recent times, the evil intent of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) documentary series on Prophet TB Joshua and the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) has sparked intense debates and raised questions about the motives behind the coverage. As revelations emerge that the actors in the documentary were paid to smear TB Joshua’s reputation, and new evidences debugging their falsehood against the man of God, it becomes imperative to explore the racial agenda at play.

The documentary presents a striking claim that TB Joshua harbored intentions of enslaving white individuals in response to historical injustices against Africans. While the narrative heavily relies on this assertion, it prompts reflection on whether the individuals involved genuinely believe in such sentiments. This accusation, veiled in the narrative of historical injustice, appears to be an attempt to manipulate emotions and incite negative sentiments against the renowned prophet. It’s worth noting that both were two individual – Bisola Johnson and Paul Aghomo, known to be TB Joshua’s sworn enemies, instrumental in propagating the spurious narrative in the documentary. This raises the question: Could there be an underlying racial bias shaping this storyline, with an attempt to turn white Christians against TB Joshua and the SCOAN?

It is crucial to question the credibility of such accusations, especially when they are devoid of factual basis. The suggestion that Prophet TB Joshua harbors ill intentions towards any race, particularly the white community, is not only unfounded but also smacks of a racial bias on the part of the documentary makers.

Prophet TB Joshua’s ministry has long been a melting pot of diversity, with disciples hailing from various races and backgrounds. The care and mentorship he provides to his followers, irrespective of their ethnicity, are evident in the multicultural community that has thrived under his guidance. Painting him as someone plotting to enslave the white population contradicts the inclusive and harmonious ethos of SCOAN.

The accusation against Prophet TB Joshua echoes a deeper problem—a racial undertone in the portrayal of an African figure by a prominent international media outlet. It raises concerns about fairness, integrity, and the need to question the ulterior motives behind such narratives.

This is not just an issue for the followers of Prophet TB Joshua but a call for all Africans to stand against biased narratives that seek to undermine the achievements of individuals from the continent. The attempt to tarnish the image of one of Africa’s greatest exports indicates a level of racism that cannot be ignored.

These bring to memory the Instances of espionage at the SCOAN, such as the infiltration of secret spies posing as disciples, including the case of Giles Hurst, the famous British Army Spy, raise concerns about targeted efforts to undermine the SCOAN and its leader, and the depth of their concealed animosity. Also, from the SCOAN archives, we remember the attempted assassination of TB Joshua by an European man confessing after been exposed by the power of the Holy Ghost of his mission to kill TB Joshua, because of his hate for black Africans. The prejudiced killer couldn’t fathom that God chose an African vessel for extraordinary miracles. This raises another question: Are some vast interest in the west spearheaded by the Briton media afraid that Prophet TB Joshua was sent by God to avenge the evil that was done to Africans by their forefathers? Or Are they surprised or concerned that a remarkable figure with a profound influence on humanity, such as the Prophet of old and our Savior Jesus Christ, emerged from Africa?

Even in death, Prophet TB Joshua has not been spared from attacks. The question arises: Was the silence following his demise a result of an expectation that his passing would halt the healing and miracles at The SCOAN? The continued growth and manifestations of healings under Pastor Mummy Evelyn Joshua’s leadership have seemingly reignited a new wave of attacks.

A crucial observation regarding the Briton media bias and anti-African sentiment is the lack of focus on the positive actions of Prophet TB Joshua, such as his charitable endeavors, healing activities, and global impact or influence.

Another important point to note about the Briton media inclination and unfavorable view toward Africa is the limited attention given to investigating other white European spiritual leaders, especially in the UK where the BBC network is from. Are there no questionable figures in the British spiritual landscape? Stories of rape, child molestation, drug abuse, money laundering, and corrupt practices among white spiritual leaders in Europe have been reported. The disproportionate focus on African pastors, particularly Prophet TB Joshua, raises questions and suggests a potential agenda against spiritual leaders of African descent.

Prophet Christ, a disciple of Prophet TB Joshua, is currently conducting his healing ministry in the UK. Why not consider launching an investigation starting with him, particularly if there is a belief that the miracles attributed to SCOAN are fraudulent, as indicated in their interview, given that Chris received his healing grace in SCOAN?

This is an invitation for individuals of all races to come together against the racial agenda that the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) seems to be perpetuating. We are all created in the image of God, and greatness knows no racial bounds. Using allegations without evidence to tarnish the reputation of a person based on their race is not only unjust but goes against the principles of equality and fairness.

It is imperative for the global community to scrutinize media narratives, especially when they carry the potential for racial bias. Africans, irrespective of their religious beliefs, should unite against any attempt to discredit their own. Likewise, individuals of all races must condemn the propagation of racial agendas in the media, as it undermines the shared humanity that binds us all.

We are equally calling on Christians all over the world, regardless of their race and skin color, to speak out against the perceived racial agenda of the Briton media and its cohort against Prophet TB Joshua and the SCOAN. The body of Christ need to be united across races, and speak with one voice in condemning the targeting of powerful gospel preachers. The uncut truth remains that men of God are not the problem of world but are, in fact, instrumental in combating the activities of evildoers.

It remains imperative for believers to unite, speaking out against what is perceived as an unfair targeting of spiritual leaders of African descent. The Church’s victory is paramount, and a collective stand against racial agendas can contribute to fostering unity in the body of Christ.

Exposing Deception: Former Church Member Stephen Amponsom Shares Shocking Testimony

In a riveting revelation, former member Stephen Amponsom, along with his wife Amella Campbell Amponsom, based in Los Angeles California, exposes a disturbing incident of deception and fraud involving Bisola, one of the accusers in the recent BBC documentary targeting Prophet TB Joshua and The Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN).

Stephen Amponsom begins his account by narrating a life-changing experience at The Synagogue Church of All Nations. In 1987, plagued by a severe illness and a deteriorating mental state, Amponsom sought solace in Nigeria. Despite futile attempts at finding a cure in various churches, it was his encounter with a spiritual woman that eventually led him to The SCOAN. Amponsom vividly describes the healing he experienced under the ministry of Prophet TB Joshua. A man on the brink of mental collapse found complete restoration through the prayers and healing touch of the renowned pastor.

The story takes a dark turn as Amponsom delves into the accusations against Bisola, a former member of The SCOAN. According to Amponsom, he became entangled in a fraudulent scheme orchestrated by Bisola and another individual named Theo Ukpa.

Bisola, claiming to be a representative of TB Joshua, deceived Amponsom and his wife into sending $2,000 and expensive clothing, believing the gifts were destined for the church. Shockingly, it was later revealed that Prophet TB Joshua never received these contributions, and Bisola was no longer associated with The Synagogue Church.

Stephen Amponsom issues a stern warning to the public, urging caution and discernment. He declares Bisola as a fraudulent individual, using the name of the Prophet to exploit the unsuspecting faithful. Amponsom emphasizes that the deceit goes beyond personal experiences, as he believes Bisola has been deceiving others for financial gain.

Amponsom takes a moment to express his deep gratitude to TB Joshua for the profound impact the ministry had on his life. He credits the anointing and prayers of the pastor for his healing and restoration, emphasizing that he is just one among many who have witnessed miracles at The Synagogue, Church of All Nations.

For an in-depth account of Stephen Amponsom’s shocking testimony and the warning against Bisola, watch the full video on YouTube. The video provides a comprehensive insight into the deceptive practices and the personal experiences of those affected.

As controversies continue to surround the failed fabricated and staged-managed BBC documentary on TB Joshua and The Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Stephen Amponsom’s testimony sheds light on the complexities and challenges faced by former members. The call for discernment and vigilance resonates throughout his account, emphasizing the need to separate genuine accusations from fraudulent activities.

Edward Garder: A Faithful Disciple Testimony on TB Joshua and SCOAN

In the midst of swirling controversies surrounding Prophet TB Joshua and The Synagogue Church of All Nations, former disciple Edward Garder steps forward to provide a firsthand account of his experiences within the renowned ministry. As a disciple, Edward witnessed and actively participated in the compassionate work, and miracles that defined the ministry.

Prophet TB Joshua, a revered and scrutinized figure, has been the subject of recent discussions, particularly fueled by a fabricated BBC documentary. Edward Garder aims to offer a counter-narrative, shedding light on the compassionate endeavors that transcended borders. The ministry, under Prophet TB Joshua’s leadership, extended aid to victims of natural disasters, provided scholarships for education, and exemplified a commitment to serving humanity.

One significant aspect of Edward’s testimony revolves around the miracles witnessed at The Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN). Working extensively in the Emergency Department, he emphasizes the authenticity of these miracles. From cancers disappearing to the blind gaining sight, the documented medical verifications stood as evidence of the supernatural healings that occurred within the church.

Edward’s narrative takes a personal turn as he recounts an impactful act of generosity from Prophet TB Joshua. He shares the heartfelt testimony of how the Prophet sent financial support to his parents, demonstrating a commitment to caring for not only the spiritual but also the practical needs of those connected to the ministry.

He talk about the rigorous discipleship training provided by Prophet TB Joshua. Edward highlights the grounding of disciples in the word of God and the additional provision of professional skills development. The ministry went beyond spiritual growth, equipping disciples with practical skills in areas such as camera work, voiceover artistry, and more.

Addressing misconceptions presented in the BBC documentary, Edward clarifies Prophet TB Joshua’s stance on medicine. He urges readers to scrutinize information against the backdrop of the ministry’s actual teachings, ensuring a more nuanced understanding.

In a reflective tone, Edward provides a warning for the end times, referencing Matthew 24:9-14. He encourages Christians to stand firm on the truth of God’s word, emphasizing the importance of discernment in the face of challenges and potential deception.

As the true continues to unfold about Prophet TB Joshua and The Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Edward’s testimony serves as a poignant reminder of the impact the ministry had through compassion, miracles, and discipleship. He calls on individuals to seek truth and test information against the word of God.

Watch the Full Testimony on YouTube