Prophecy FOR 2024 By Wiseman Daniel


  1. Prophecy for the whole world. This year is the year of judgment for the wicked and reward for genuine children of God. Our prayer is God should spare His children when He is judging the wicked.
  2. Prophecy for ministers of God all over the world. Many ministers will be attacked in 3 different ways because of their offensive utterances and approaches to the things of the spirit to which God is not happy about: 1) terminal disease, 2) physical attacks for plots and ambush, 3) spiritual attacks. God’s grace will no longer speak for them because they have assumed God’s position and judged those who God has not judged.
  3. The same science and technology that approved a universal booklet as a means of international identity is about to be nullified for another strange means of identification. It will have a lot to tell about the events in Revelation.
  4. In East Africa, a very mighty tree which has matured will soon be uprooted.The solution is to allow young trees to spring up and make a difference in the land.
  5. African countries should beware for rainfall scarcity and food shortage especially in the eastern and southern parts of Africa. Pray for farmers and their land.
  6. The leaders of a country starting with R and ending with A and another starting with F and ending with E are standing on a tiny thread with so much load on their head. There’s a mighty wind blowing around them. Pray that this wind will not make them fall.
  7. The leader of a country that has two words is suffering from a serious heart condition. Pray for God’s intervention.
  8. Money making and rituals is becoming an epidemic among youths that thy are using their on parts for sacrifice. There will be people suffering from various paralysis and diseases. These are the marks of the beast in 2024.
  9. The education system is creating more agitation among the youths. Many youths will angrily beat up their educational leaders because their education is not letting them reach their career goals
  10. A great fisher of men is on a wheelchair. Ministers of God should be careful of lifestyle outside the altar.

Stepping into 2024: A Message of Forgiveness and Hope

As we stand at the doorstep of a new year, there’s a special invitation for all of us. It comes from the wisdom of Wiseman Daniel: Elohim, the Mighty God, is with us. Let’s gather for a Crossover Night Service in Abuja, Nigeria, with a simple yet powerful theme: “FORGIVENESS IS THE KEY TO THE PROMISED LAND.”

On December 31, 2023, at 8pm (GMT+1), join us at the National Christian Centre in Abuja. It’s not just an event; it’s a chance to reflect at God’s feet. We’ll focus on forgiveness as we step into the new year.

This call is for everyone, no matter where you are. Bring your country’s flag as a symbol of unity and prayer. Let’s pray together for divine intervention.

This night is about more than just being together. It’s a chance to experience God’s healing, deliverance, prophecy, salvation, and blessings. Get ready for a night that could change your life.

After the candlelight service, expect your life to take a new turn. In the name of Jesus, we believe that this night will mark a positive change for everyone.

But the journey doesn’t end there. On January 7, 2024, join us for a Thanksgiving Service at Elohim Church land, Abuja. From 8am to 12pm (GMT+1), we’ll express gratitude for the past and hope for the future.

Elohim! Mighty God lives in us (John 14:23). Let’s step into 2024 with a heart open to forgiveness and hope. Whether you join us in Abuja or from afar, may the Crossover Night and Thanksgiving Service bring blessings, joy, and growth. Here’s to a new year filled with positivity and promise. Amen.