Elohim! Elohim! Mighty God lives in Us.

He became a man after God’s own heart, even though he was hated with passion that never changed his focus and mission on earth, he spent his lifetime to serve God in truth and in spirit and to serve humanity with genuine heart of love, and as God will have it, he exited this world same month as he was born and today heaven is rejoicing that a saint is welcomed back home after a glorious assignment achieved here on earth.

Indeed, his inlet into this world may have been known by everyone but his exit became a talk of the whole world, even in his grave he is still being persecuted, yet he was a man after God’s own heart.

He became a mantle carrier, a source of healing, source of deliverance, source of blessing, a source of comfort to the needy and above all, a kingdom builder among men, who lived to spend more on others and less on himself. But it is very unfortunate that throughout his life time upon all the good he did, he was hated with passion among men, persecuted, chastised, blackmailed yet he was loved by God; he became a man after God’s own heart, even though he was hated with passion that never changed his focus and mission on earth, he spent his lifetime to serve God in truth and in spirit and to serve humanity with genuine heart of love, and as God will have it, he exited this world same month as he was born and today heaven is rejoicing that a saint is welcomed back home after a glorious assignment achieved here on earth. Indeed, his inlet into this world may have not been known by everyone but his exit became a talk of the whole world, even in his grave he is still being persecuted, yet he was a man after God’s own heart.

Welcome home blessed of God, welcome home saint of God, heaven is rejoicing that you accomplished your task and you exited this wicked world with a crown of glory. Heaven will always celebrate you just as earth is still celebrating you. Your legacy lives on. We are talking about a man known as Senior Prophet T.B. Joshua of the blessed memory. Live on in spirit, live on in spirit, live on in spirit. At last, at the end of this world we shall meet in heaven where you are resting.

The Lord bless your good works, bless your family that you left behind, bless the ministry The Synagogue Church Of All Nations and above all, your legacy lives on in the lives of those who you took time to groom here on earth, among whom is the boy that loves you so much, Wiseman Daniel. I know, the imprints of your suffering and achievements lives on in the lives of your children and today your son Wiseman Daniel still celebrates you and your legacy lives on in his heart.

Elohim! Elohim!! Mighty God lives in us


Elohim! Mighty God lives in us
Happy Good Friday!
Happy Easter in Advance!

Jesus Christ came as a good man, but many saw him as a bad man. His goodness affected the lives of many, including you and me. We Christians are Christ-like people today because of the amazing grace of His resurrection power. Glory be to God in the highest! Jesus Christ came as the Messiah, I mean, He came as someone sent by His Heavenly Father to die for our sins and eventually bring salvation to us. In other words, He came as a salvation provider – as the Savior of the whole world – but many saw Him as the king of beelzebub, but for us as Christians, our salvation is as sure as the rising of the sun through His death and the resurrection power. Glory be to God in the highest!

As Christians, see this Good Friday as the beginning of goodness in your life; see this Easter as an opportunity to dedicate your life to God, make restitution, make amendments, reconcile all things where necessary, ask for forgiveness, and move forward without compromising your salvation, which is the ultimate thing in this life.

Happy Good Friday and happy Easter in advance once again and God bless you.
Elohim! Mighty God lives in us! (John 14:23)

Wiseman Daniel Stands Strong: Defending Prophet TB Joshua Against BBC Allegations

In the wake of the controversial fabricated and stage-managed BBC documentary on Prophet TB Joshua and the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Wiseman Daniel, a devoted disciple and minister of the Everlasting Light of Hope Ministry (ELOHIM), breaks his silence.

Wiseman Daniel, a seasoned Prophet of God and a loyal disciple of Prophet TB Joshua, addresses the recent storm surrounding his mentor. His powerful speech not only defends Prophet TB Joshua against the allegations but also sheds light on the challenges faced by true ministers of God.

Daniel emphasizes that a genuine calling by God often involves betrayals, hatred, envy, and jealousy. True ministers of God, following the path of Jesus Christ, can expect such challenges.

He asserts that answering the divine call means drawing a battle line with Satan and his agents. A calling from God places one in covenant with Him, and any allegiance to the world keeps one tied to Satan.

Having lived with Prophet TB Joshua, Wiseman Daniel shares his purpose – to stand for the truth, serve, and gain invaluable experience for his own journey.

Daniel paints a vivid picture of Prophet TB Joshua as a man born with genuine love, demonstrated through compassion, generosity, and forgiveness. Despite financial constraints in his early life, Prophet TB Joshua prioritized others’ well-being.

Describing his mentor as a patient and humble man, Daniel highlights Prophet TB Joshua’s unwavering dedication to the word of God. Despite numerous titles and awards, humility defined his character.

Wiseman Daniel expresses dismay at those who, once beneficiaries of Prophet TB Joshua’s labor, now speak against him. He urges gratitude for the Synagogue Church of All Nations, emphasizing that none came into SCOAN complete, all arriving with their unique challenges.

Daniel cautions that deliverance is only possible for those with a sincere motive. Those with demonic intentions may not find relief in the presence of a true man of God.

Using a powerful analogy, Wiseman Daniel notes that the current controversies are like fighting the smoke while the firewood continues to burn. He urges understanding and spiritual discernment in comprehending the unfolding events.

As the controversy surrounding the BBC fabricated falsehood against Prophet TB Joshua and the SCOAN persists, Wiseman Daniel’s speech adds a personal and insightful perspective. His words echo the sentiments of many loyal followers, defending the legacy and integrity of a man they consider a true prophet of God. May God bless his words and guide those seeking the truth.

Watch the full Video of the service he made his speech on YouTube:

Prophecy FOR 2024 By Wiseman Daniel


  1. Prophecy for the whole world. This year is the year of judgment for the wicked and reward for genuine children of God. Our prayer is God should spare His children when He is judging the wicked.
  2. Prophecy for ministers of God all over the world. Many ministers will be attacked in 3 different ways because of their offensive utterances and approaches to the things of the spirit to which God is not happy about: 1) terminal disease, 2) physical attacks for plots and ambush, 3) spiritual attacks. God’s grace will no longer speak for them because they have assumed God’s position and judged those who God has not judged.
  3. The same science and technology that approved a universal booklet as a means of international identity is about to be nullified for another strange means of identification. It will have a lot to tell about the events in Revelation.
  4. In East Africa, a very mighty tree which has matured will soon be uprooted.The solution is to allow young trees to spring up and make a difference in the land.
  5. African countries should beware for rainfall scarcity and food shortage especially in the eastern and southern parts of Africa. Pray for farmers and their land.
  6. The leaders of a country starting with R and ending with A and another starting with F and ending with E are standing on a tiny thread with so much load on their head. There’s a mighty wind blowing around them. Pray that this wind will not make them fall.
  7. The leader of a country that has two words is suffering from a serious heart condition. Pray for God’s intervention.
  8. Money making and rituals is becoming an epidemic among youths that thy are using their on parts for sacrifice. There will be people suffering from various paralysis and diseases. These are the marks of the beast in 2024.
  9. The education system is creating more agitation among the youths. Many youths will angrily beat up their educational leaders because their education is not letting them reach their career goals
  10. A great fisher of men is on a wheelchair. Ministers of God should be careful of lifestyle outside the altar.

A Heartwarming Affair: Elohim Ministry’s Charity Event Extends Love and Care to Orphans and Beyond

In a beautiful display of compassion and generosity, the Wiseman Daniel Ministry, also known as Elohim Ministry, recently hosted a charity event that reached out to those in need of love and care, particularly focusing on the well-being of orphans. This outreach not only showcased the ministry’s commitment to spreading love but also exemplified their dedication to making a positive impact on the lives of the less fortunate.

The charity event organized by Elohim Ministry was a poignant testament to their mission of embracing the vulnerable members of society. With a special focus on orphans, the ministry aimed to provide not just material support but also the warmth and care that every individual deserves.

Drawing inspiration from the teachings of love, forgiveness, and caring spirit, as highlighted in John 13 vs 34, Elohim Ministry’s event was more than just a charitable endeavor; it was a living embodiment of Christian values. The acts of love displayed during the event resonated with the core principles of the ministry, reinforcing the idea that genuine Christian love expresses itself through acts of kindness and sharing.

While the primary focus was on orphans, Elohim Ministry’s charity event went beyond the confines of an orphanage. The outreach extended its love and care to various individuals in need, creating a ripple effect of compassion that reached different corners of the community.

The charity event echoed the universal call for giving, emphasizing that the purpose of blessings is to be shared. Elohim Ministry encouraged attendees and supporters to embrace the threefold ministry of acts of love, forgiveness, and giving, transforming them into kingdom builders who positively impact the lives of those around them.

The love and care extended by Elohim Ministry during this charity event demonstrated that making a difference knows no boundaries. Irrespective of religious, racial, or tribal affiliations, the ministry’s outreach sought to touch the lives of individuals in a way that transcends societal divisions, promoting unity and compassion.

Elohim Ministry’s charity event was a powerful expression of their commitment to spreading love and care to those in need. By focusing on orphans and reaching out to the broader community, the ministry exemplified the true spirit of Christmas – giving beyond oneself. As the echoes of this charitable endeavor linger, it serves as an inspiration for others to follow suit, reminding us all of the profound impact that acts of love and kindness can have on the lives of those less fortunate.

Spreading Christmas Cheer: Elohim Ministry’s Heartfelt Acts of Love in Abuja

In the spirit of Christmas, the Elohim Ministry in Abuja, Nigeria, led by Wiseman Daniel, is bringing joy and warmth to those in need. Their message is simple but powerful: give to others as you hope God will give to you. Let’s take a closer look at the heartwarming efforts of Elohim Ministry this holiday season.

Elohim Ministry lives by a golden rule inspired by Jesus Christ – give to others the way you wish God to give to you. It’s not just about sharing what you have but also offering what you need for yourself. This act of sacrifice grabs God’s attention, bringing blessings not only to you but also to your family and everything connected to you.

Regardless of your religion, race, or tribe, the Elohim Ministry encourages everyone to join in the act of giving. They remind us not to wait until we are rich to help those around us. The ministry believes that God’s love sees beyond our differences and looks upon those in need with compassion.

Elohim Ministry breaks the stereotype that you need to be wealthy to make a difference. Their Christmas outreach emphasizes that generosity isn’t just about money; it’s about giving your time, care, and attention to those who need it the most.

The ministry’s actions reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ – to love and care for one another. Their love extends beyond societal boundaries, recognizing and addressing the needs of the less privileged with compassion and generosity.

As we celebrate Christmas, let’s be inspired by Elohim Ministry’s example. The outreach efforts led by Wiseman Daniel and his team showcase the power of love and compassion, echoing the teachings of Jesus Christ. In the act of giving, irrespective of one’s background or financial standing, the Elohim Ministry is sowing seeds of kindness that will undoubtedly yield a harvest of blessings for both givers and receivers alike. This Christmas, may we all be inspired by their example to give generously, love abundantly, and care sincerely for those around us.