Wiseman Daniel Birthday Message to Wiseman Christopher Orji


Happy birthday to a brother, a colleague, and a wonderful friend, who together with me were brought up by a wonderful mentor, coach, and loving father- in the person of senior Prophet T.B. Joshua of the blessed memory. I stand to say that; you are a promised child, a product of Jesus’ economy; no weapon formed against you shall prosper. God loves you as much as He does any of His Apostles.

Therefore, Wiseman Christopher, happy birthday to you. I remember those days when we were students at the University of God- The Synagogue Church of All Nations. In fact, you are a warrior in the kingdom business as we can see. I am not surprised to see you flying in anointing today.

Happy birthday once again, my dear brother. Keep it up. Heaven is getting populated by your efforts at the call of God.

Elohim! Mighty God lives in us! (John 14:23).

Unraveling the Bias: A Rebuttal to openDemocracy’s Campaign Against TB Joshua and SCOAN

In a recent publication, openDemocracy has presented a misleading narrative with regard to the followers of Prophet TB Joshua and the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN). The article accuses them of attempting to suppress TB Joshua’s alleged “victim”. While it is essential to address any form of abuse and misinformation, it is equally crucial to scrutinize the credibility of such claims and explore the broader context. This rebuttal aims to shed light on the perceived bias in openDemocracy’s report and present a more comprehensive perspective.

The article notes that YouTube and Apple have taken action against SCOAN and its followers based on reports of abusive content. However, it is crucial to strike a balance between enforcing policies and allowing diverse viewpoints. There is the need to scrutinize the methodology and criteria used to identify abusive content, ensuring a fair and unbiased assessment.

The removal of SCOAN-related content by YouTube and Apple, as reported by openDemocracy, prompts concerns about censorship. The protection of free speech is paramount on all social media platforms. Suppressing the free speech of supporters of Prophet TB Joshua and the SCOAN hinders their ability to present evidence, counter allegations, and amounts to stifling opposing perspectives. The right to free expression and a fair hearing should be extended to all parties involved.

Your so-called investigation outlines instances of cyberbullying, discrimination, and spreading of misinformation by SCOAN supporters. However, that is actually what openDemocracy and the disgraced BBC are doing against TB Joshua and SCOAN by spreading misinformation about the ministry.

The documentary produced by the BBC, in collaboration with openDemocracy, is cited as a catalyst for an upsurge in abusive content. Nonetheless, it has been asserted that the mentioned documentary has been proven to be false and fabricated. There exists no concrete evidence from the accusers of Prophet TB Joshua and SCOAN; the movie or documentary was an orchestrated act. The anticipation for any evidence against the ministry remains unfulfilled.

The question that cannot be dismissed is why these accusations find amplification through online platforms and documentary-style productions rather than being pursued through legal channels. If justice is indeed the primary objective, one might question why legal systems are not resorted to for a thorough investigation and due process. The preference for an online campaign over legal avenues raises doubts about the true intent behind the endeavor. If Bisola and Ajoke claim they are victims according to the openDemocracy reports, it is imperative to stress the significance of seeking legal recourse, pursuing legal avenues is the appropriate course of action to establish the truth and ensure accountability, instead of campaign of calumny against the person of Prophet TB Joshua and blasphemous remark against the work of God.

As Christians, faith healing and deliverance are an integral part of our religious beliefs. SCOAN’s emphasis on prayer and faith aligns with these foundational principles. It is crucial for openDemocracy and others to respect and acknowledge the diversity of faith practices, recognizing that differing beliefs coexist within our global community.

The call for Google Play and Apple’s App Store to reassess hosting the Emmanuel TV app raises concerns about potential institutional persecution. It is essential to differentiate between responsible hosting of diverse religious content and an infringement on religious freedoms. Institutions must strike a balance that respects the plurality of beliefs.

The global community is characterized by religious diversity, and any reassessment of hosting applications should be done with the understanding that diverse faith practices contribute to this richness. Upholding the freedom for individuals to access content aligned with their beliefs is fundamental to fostering a tolerant and inclusive society.

SCOAN has consistently maintained a stance of not imposing its beliefs on individuals. The call for reassessment should take into account the voluntary nature of engagement with religious content. Individuals have the autonomy to choose content that aligns with their faith, and this freedom must be safeguarded.

Instead of advocating for reassessment, we propose fostering open dialogue and understanding between stakeholders. Respectful conversations that acknowledge religious diversity and promote mutual understanding contribute to a harmonious coexistence of different faiths in the digital space.

Preserving religious freedom is a cornerstone of a democratic society. Any actions that may impact the hosting of religious content should be approached cautiously, ensuring that these actions do not inadvertently infringe upon the rights of individuals to freely practice their faith.

openDemocracy’s coverage of the situation appears to carry an inherent bias against TB Joshua and SCOAN. The absence of objective journalism, reliance on unverified sources, and the selective presentation of information contribute to an atmosphere of suspicion. A comprehensive and impartial investigation should encompass all perspectives to arrive at a fair and just conclusion.

Amidst the allegations, it become obvious that those accusing TB Joshua are financially supported with the intent to tarnish the esteemed reputation of the Prophet and launch an assault against the Church of God. The orchestrated nature of these attacks raises questions about the ulterior motives driving the accusations.

Despite the tumult of allegations, the Church stands unwavering in its faith and commitment to defend the Christian Faith. The conviction that the gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church, as affirmed by the Bible, instills confidence that truth will ultimately triumph over falsehood. The steadfast belief in victory through Christ Jesus serves as the cornerstone of our defense.

Recognizing the spiritual dimension of the conflict, we perceive the attacks as a manifestation of spiritual warfare. The Apostle Paul’s counsel in Ephesians 6:12 resonates profoundly, underscoring that the struggle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces. The defense against these accusations extends beyond the physical realm, involving prayer and spiritual discernment.

The prevailing message is one of victory in Christ Jesus. Despite the challenges and orchestrated attacks, our faith remains unshaken. The assurance that Christ has already secured the ultimate triumph over adversity serves as the anchor fortifying our defense.

YouTube Takes Another Hit on Truth: Watched TB Joshua Channel Remove

In an expected move, YouTube seems to be taking sides in the ongoing controversy surrounding the staged and fabricated BBC documentary on Prophet TB Joshua and the Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN). The latest target is the “Watched TB Joshua” YouTube channel, which has been taken down, making one to question the platform’s commitment to neutrality.

The channel, known for its objective analysis and exposure of falsehoods and slander in the BBC documentary, joins the ranks of other pro-TB Joshua channels that have faced similar takedowns. This includes the official YouTube channel of Prophet TB Joshua and SCOAN. The common thread among these channels is their dedication to presenting an alternative perspective and unveiling the truth with evidences.

YouTube’s actions are preventing the dissemination of views contrary to those presented in the BBC controversial documentary. This moves should spark concerns about censorship and the suppression of alternative narratives, leaving the public with limited access to different viewpoints.

The situation raises questions about the integrity of YouTube, a platforms that play a significant role in shaping public opinion. This act is indicative of a broader trend where alternative voices are stifled, limiting the public’s ability to make informed decisions.

They don’t want the public to know the truth. They are blocking alternative views, and the public must be wise; these are signs of end times. Do not be deceived; the world and its establishment are after the true church.

In response to this censorship, “Watched TB Joshua” has taken preemptive measures. Anticipating potential removal, the channel has already established a presence on Rumble, an alternative video-sharing platform. The new channel on Rumble aims to continue providing exclusive content related to TB Joshua and SCOAN, ensuring that subscribers and supporters can access information beyond the reach of mainstream platforms.

The call to action encourages those interested in TB Joshua and SCOAN to subscribe to the Rumble channel via the link: https://rumble.com/c/Watchedtbjoshua. This move is seen as a strategic step to counter the limitations imposed by YouTube and maintain an open dialogue about the ongoing events.

As the controversy unfolds, the takedown of “Watched TB Joshua” on YouTube raises critical questions about the role of major platforms in controlling information flow and the potential impact on public perception. It also serves as a reminder that alternative platforms may become essential in preserving diverse perspectives and fostering free expression in an increasingly interconnected digital landscape.

Miraculous Testimonies Debugged Disgraced BBC Falsehood: Authentic Healing and Deliverance at SCOAN

In a stirring rebuttal to the recent BBC and its cohort falsehood regarding the authenticity of healing and deliverance at the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), a series of compelling testimonies emerged during the live Sunday service on January 28, 2024. These firsthand accounts serve as resounding proof of the genuine healing power that continues to manifest within the SCOAN.

Before delving into the testimonies, it’s crucial to contextualize the backdrop against which these stories unfold. A recent BBC fabricated and stage documentary had cast doubt on the legitimacy of healing and deliverance at SCOAN, alleging that such miraculous events were mere fabrications and staged. The testimonies shared during the January 28th service provide another powerful counter-narrative, challenging the falsehood and attesting to the transformative impact of faith, prayer, and divine intervention as evidence in the SCOAN.

One poignant testimony came from Nene, a woman who had grappled with severe disc prolapse since 2013. Despite taking powerful medications, her condition showed little improvement. Pastor Evelyn Joshua, before initiating a session of prayer, advised Nene to cultivate an atmosphere of faith. The result? A miraculous healing that left Nene exclaiming, “Now I am bouncing in the Lord,” a testament to the profound impact of unwavering faith in the face of adversity.

Agatha shared her journey from a diagnosis of ovarian cysts, with doctors recommending surgery, to conceiving naturally after prayer at SCOAN. Her husband, Chinedu, credited the Anointing Sticker for the prosperity of his business, underscoring the tangible influence of spiritual tools.

Miriam, a Congolese woman, spoke of her healing from a debilitating disc problem. Pastor Evelyn Joshua’s prayer on January 21, 2024, brought relief, enabling Miriam to walk without aid. Her testimony emphasized patience and unwavering faith in God’s healing power.

The testimonies continued with Temidayo, whose ulcerous foot stayed healed for 28 years, defying all medical expectations. Iyabo recounted her 18-year healing journey, surviving a severe leg fracture sustained in a fatal accident.

Justina’s resilience after a life-altering accident on December 25, 2022, stood out. Despite doctors’ predictions, her unwavering faith and use of faith tools led to her astounding recovery, defying medical expectations.

Oloyede, a technician who suffered vertebral cracks for over 12 years, found healing at SCOAN on January 21, 2024 after being prayed for by Prophet TB Joshua. His advice to others emphasized running to Jesus Christ for healing and restoration.

Cynthia’s testimony highlighted her deliverance from demonic possession and healing from gastritis after prayer by Pastor Evelyn Joshua, emphasizing the transformative power of spiritual intervention.

Jude’s decade-long battle with a horrifying skin disease ended in 2014 after receiving prayer from Prophet TB Joshua. His sister Monica shared the family’s struggle, emphasizing the compassion shown by Prophet TB Joshua and the significance of acting in faith.

These testimonies, collectively, stand as a compelling response to the deceptive falsehood raised in the BBC fabricated documentary. They offer firsthand accounts of genuine healing and deliverance at SCOAN, challenging doubt and reaffirming the transformative impact of spiritual experiences. Despite external scrutiny, these individuals stand as living testimonies to the undeniable power of faith, prayer, and divine intervention within the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN).

Watch Each of their Full Testimonies on Rumble:

Defending the Legacy: Chris and Gina Speak Out on Prophet TB Joshua and SCOAN

In the wake of recent falsehood against Prophet TB Joshua and The Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) in a fabricated and staged BBC documentary, Chris and his wife Gina, a former disciple, have come forward to share their personal experiences. Chris, speaking passionately, begins by recounting his transformative journey with SCOAN, initiated by an evangelist’s gift of anointing water in 2011 or 2012. Struggling with mental illness, addiction, and depression, Chris found healing through the anointing water, emphasizing that Prophet TB Joshua did not advise him to stop his medication.

Chris’s life took a positive turn after his encounter with SCOAN, leading him to work with Emanuel TV USA. He expresses gratitude for the opportunities to travel the world, attend crusades, and experience financial blessings facilitated by Prophet TB Joshua. He underscores that Prophet TB Joshua always acknowledged being a vessel, not the ultimate healer or deliverer.

Gina, Chris’s wife, shares her testimony, highlighting that she joined SCOAN as a virgin and left as one, debunking false allegations of sexual abuse. She commends Prophet TB Joshua as a loving and caring spiritual father, refuting the falsehood made in the BBC documentary.

The couple addresses the impact of false accusations on their lives, stressing their unwavering support for Prophet TB Joshua, SCOAN, and Emmanuel TV. Chris passionately defends the integrity of Prophet TB Joshua, emphasizing the positive changes in their lives through the ministry.

In the face of adversity, the couple urges viewers to seek the truth, pray, and trust the Holy Spirit to reveal the reality. They stand united in support of Prophet TB Joshua, emphasizing that their lives have been positively transformed through SCOAN.

Watch the full speech on YouTube and Rumble:

Mary Titilayo: A Testament to TB Joshua’s True Character and Miraculous Acts

In a compelling testimony, Mary Titilayo, one of Prophet TB Joshua’s earliest disciples, breaks her silence over the false allegations raised by some ex-disciples in the failed BBC documentary. Mary, who lived with TB Joshua from 1991 to 1999, shares unknown facts about the late prophet, shedding light on his character and the miraculous events at The Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN).

Mary describes TB Joshua as a holy, humble, and pure-hearted man who cared deeply for his followers and their families. She emphasizes that the news circulating about him brings her to tears, prompting her to courageously reveal the truth about this “pure man of God.”

The testimony delves into the early years, highlighting TB Joshua’s intense prayer life. Mary vividly recalls a significant event in 1991-92 when TB Joshua prayed fervently for 9:00am to 9:00pm on his knees. She also give an account on how the Prophet prayed on the dry ground that is presently the SCOAN Prayer Mountain, leading to the miraculous emergence of water at that specific location. She attests to the divine nature of this water, which continues to be a source of healing for many.

Addressing the recent criticisms and allegations, Mary passionately defends TB Joshua, stating that he was a genuine man of God, a man of faith, and humility. She expresses sorrow for those speaking against him and reminds them of the biblical principle that those who fight against God will not succeed.

Mary also counters the accusations of Bisola Johnson. She narrates an incident where she personally provided clothing for Bisola and highlights the inconsistency in her present-day criticism. She said Bisola would have been a mad person by now if not for the Prayers she received from Prophet TB Joshua.

In her impassioned defense, Mary underscores TB Joshua’s impact globally, having conducted crusades in 52 countries. She challenges those criticizing him to reflect on their own contributions to their families and communities, asserting that TB Joshua’s work is a testament to his divine calling.

The testimony concludes with a powerful message that the work of God initiated by TB Joshua cannot be brought down by individuals, as it started from humble beginnings under bamboo and has expanded to every part of the world. Mary salutes TB Joshua’s wife, Mama Evelyn Joshua, acknowledging her strength and commitment to the church even during challenging times.

To witness Mary Titilayo’s heartfelt testimony and gain insights into TB Joshua’s life and impact, watch the full video on YouTube:

Evangelist Justine Rebuts BBC Documentary: Unveiling Truths About TB Joshua and SCOAN

In response to the recent fabricated and stage-managed BBC documentary targeting Prophet TB Joshua and The Synagogue Church of all Nations (SCOAN), former disciple Justin from Australia has come forward to share his 13-year journey with the ministry. In a compelling video, Justin addresses and refutes the allegations presented in the documentary, providing a firsthand account of his experiences and seeking to counter the narrative of defamation.

Having joined SCOAN in 2006 after witnessing the Australia for Christ Crusade, Justin abandoned a promising career in professional golf to dedicate 13 years of his life to serving God under Prophet TB Joshua. From his initial roles in the Youth Department to later serving as the prophet’s personal secretary, Justin gained a deep understanding of the ministry’s operations and witnessed countless instances of faith, healing, and transformation.

Justin vehemently denies claims of disciples being recorded while having showers, dismissing it as a baseless attempt to paint Prophet TB Joshua and SCOAN as a cult. He refutes the absurd notion that disciples needed passes from Prophet TB Joshua’s office to use the toilet, labeling it as a ridiculous statement with no basis in reality.

He clarifies that the use of “daddy” was a cultural norm in Nigeria and not imposed by Prophet TB Joshua, emphasizing its context within the local culture. Justin also dispels allegations of mistreatment within the five-story apartment, addressing claims of inappropriate actions by Prophet TB Joshua as coordinated attacks on the prophet’s character.

On the topic of sexual abuse, Justin strongly disagrees with allegations, asserting that they do not align with the reality he witnessed during his tenure at SCOAN. He attests to the authenticity of healing miracles at SCOAN, providing insights into the meticulous process of documenting testimonies and rejecting claims of staged miracles.

Justin acknowledges that not everyone experienced instant healing in the prayer line, emphasizing that supernatural healing is subject to God’s will and timing. He shares firsthand insights into the adoption of Prophet TB Joshua’s daughter, refuting any rumors surrounding her background.

Justin also clarifies the family relationship between Chloe and Chris, referring to them as biological siblings. Addressing the building collapse in 2014, he states that it was a controlled demolition orchestrated by external forces. He credits CCTV footage for capturing the incident, reports from security service around the world and refutes claims that Prophet TB Joshua was involved.

In conclusion, Justin’s video serves as a passionate defense of Prophet TB Joshua and SCOAN against the allegations presented in the BBC documentary. He urges viewers to seek the truth and form opinions based on accurate information, calling the documentary an attack on the body of Christ.

Watch the full video below and gain a deeper understanding of Justin’s experiences and perspective during his years at SCOAN.

A Graceful Leader: Mummy Evelyn Joshua’s Steadfast Resolve Amid Challenges

In the wake of the recent fabricated and stage-managed BBC documentary on Prophet TB Joshua and the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Mummy Evelyn Joshua, affectionately referred to as the mother of all nations or Mama Sarah, has exhibited remarkable grace, resilience, and unwavering leadership.

In a world often fueled by instant reactions, Mummy Evelyn Joshua has chosen a path less traveled. Despite the storm of criticisms and distractions following the documentary, she has upheld the legacy of her late husband, Prophet TB Joshua, by maintaining a dignified silence. Her decision not to engage with detractors or act out of character reflects a profound commitment to the principles of love, humility, and wisdom.

Mummy Evelyn Joshua’s response to the challenges posed by the documentary has been marked by unparalleled leadership and class. She has navigated through the turbulent waters with poise, demonstrating a deep understanding of the responsibilities that come with leading a ministry of global significance. Her actions have not only upheld the integrity of SCOAN but have also silenced skeptics who doubted her capability to lead with strength and wisdom.

In the face of skepticism and doubt about her leadership capabilities, Mummy Evelyn Joshua has emerged as a beacon of strength and grace. Her composed demeanor and resolute silence in response to critics have proven that she is more than capable of steering the ship through challenging waters. The mother of all nations has once again shown that her leadership extends beyond mere titles and positions; it is a divine calling met with resilience.

As Mummy Evelyn Joshua continues to navigate the complexities of leading SCOAN, we join in prayers for more grace, strength, and wisdom to overcome every challenge. Her steadfastness in the face of adversity serves as an inspiration to many, and we believe that, with divine guidance, the ministry will not only endure but emerge stronger.

Exposing Deception: Former Church Member Stephen Amponsom Shares Shocking Testimony

In a riveting revelation, former member Stephen Amponsom, along with his wife Amella Campbell Amponsom, based in Los Angeles California, exposes a disturbing incident of deception and fraud involving Bisola, one of the accusers in the recent BBC documentary targeting Prophet TB Joshua and The Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN).

Stephen Amponsom begins his account by narrating a life-changing experience at The Synagogue Church of All Nations. In 1987, plagued by a severe illness and a deteriorating mental state, Amponsom sought solace in Nigeria. Despite futile attempts at finding a cure in various churches, it was his encounter with a spiritual woman that eventually led him to The SCOAN. Amponsom vividly describes the healing he experienced under the ministry of Prophet TB Joshua. A man on the brink of mental collapse found complete restoration through the prayers and healing touch of the renowned pastor.

The story takes a dark turn as Amponsom delves into the accusations against Bisola, a former member of The SCOAN. According to Amponsom, he became entangled in a fraudulent scheme orchestrated by Bisola and another individual named Theo Ukpa.

Bisola, claiming to be a representative of TB Joshua, deceived Amponsom and his wife into sending $2,000 and expensive clothing, believing the gifts were destined for the church. Shockingly, it was later revealed that Prophet TB Joshua never received these contributions, and Bisola was no longer associated with The Synagogue Church.

Stephen Amponsom issues a stern warning to the public, urging caution and discernment. He declares Bisola as a fraudulent individual, using the name of the Prophet to exploit the unsuspecting faithful. Amponsom emphasizes that the deceit goes beyond personal experiences, as he believes Bisola has been deceiving others for financial gain.

Amponsom takes a moment to express his deep gratitude to TB Joshua for the profound impact the ministry had on his life. He credits the anointing and prayers of the pastor for his healing and restoration, emphasizing that he is just one among many who have witnessed miracles at The Synagogue, Church of All Nations.

For an in-depth account of Stephen Amponsom’s shocking testimony and the warning against Bisola, watch the full video on YouTube. The video provides a comprehensive insight into the deceptive practices and the personal experiences of those affected.

As controversies continue to surround the failed fabricated and staged-managed BBC documentary on TB Joshua and The Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Stephen Amponsom’s testimony sheds light on the complexities and challenges faced by former members. The call for discernment and vigilance resonates throughout his account, emphasizing the need to separate genuine accusations from fraudulent activities.

Edward Garder: A Faithful Disciple Testimony on TB Joshua and SCOAN

In the midst of swirling controversies surrounding Prophet TB Joshua and The Synagogue Church of All Nations, former disciple Edward Garder steps forward to provide a firsthand account of his experiences within the renowned ministry. As a disciple, Edward witnessed and actively participated in the compassionate work, and miracles that defined the ministry.

Prophet TB Joshua, a revered and scrutinized figure, has been the subject of recent discussions, particularly fueled by a fabricated BBC documentary. Edward Garder aims to offer a counter-narrative, shedding light on the compassionate endeavors that transcended borders. The ministry, under Prophet TB Joshua’s leadership, extended aid to victims of natural disasters, provided scholarships for education, and exemplified a commitment to serving humanity.

One significant aspect of Edward’s testimony revolves around the miracles witnessed at The Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN). Working extensively in the Emergency Department, he emphasizes the authenticity of these miracles. From cancers disappearing to the blind gaining sight, the documented medical verifications stood as evidence of the supernatural healings that occurred within the church.

Edward’s narrative takes a personal turn as he recounts an impactful act of generosity from Prophet TB Joshua. He shares the heartfelt testimony of how the Prophet sent financial support to his parents, demonstrating a commitment to caring for not only the spiritual but also the practical needs of those connected to the ministry.

He talk about the rigorous discipleship training provided by Prophet TB Joshua. Edward highlights the grounding of disciples in the word of God and the additional provision of professional skills development. The ministry went beyond spiritual growth, equipping disciples with practical skills in areas such as camera work, voiceover artistry, and more.

Addressing misconceptions presented in the BBC documentary, Edward clarifies Prophet TB Joshua’s stance on medicine. He urges readers to scrutinize information against the backdrop of the ministry’s actual teachings, ensuring a more nuanced understanding.

In a reflective tone, Edward provides a warning for the end times, referencing Matthew 24:9-14. He encourages Christians to stand firm on the truth of God’s word, emphasizing the importance of discernment in the face of challenges and potential deception.

As the true continues to unfold about Prophet TB Joshua and The Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Edward’s testimony serves as a poignant reminder of the impact the ministry had through compassion, miracles, and discipleship. He calls on individuals to seek truth and test information against the word of God.

Watch the Full Testimony on YouTube