Rebuttal to openDemocracy’s Article on TB Joshua and SCOAN Former Disciples

In response to the openDemocracy article on TB Joshua and SCOAN, it’s important to note that there might have been no need to respond to their piece. However, this response is being crafted solely for record-keeping and to provide support to those who may be struggling in faith or misinformed, while also acknowledging the potential biases and implications of the source. The openDemocracy article, which claims to have conducted a six-month investigation, raises concerns about the late Prophet TB Joshua and his disciples. However, it is crucial to thoroughly examine the validity of their findings and assess the objectivity of their reporting. One significant aspect to consider is openDemocracy’s affiliation as an advocacy group for the rights of homosexuals and lesbians. As believers, we can discern the potential implications and biases that may arise from such a perspective. It is essential to keep this in mind while evaluating their claims and allegations. Furthermore, it is worth noting that openDemocracy was the entity that petitioned YouTube to block the Emmanuel TV Christian channel. Their petition was based on concerns related to deliverance and testimonial videos involving individuals from the LGBTQ+ community. This fact should be recorded and considered when considering the potential influence of their advocacy in shaping perspectives.

The article in question asserts that several former top-ranking members of SCOAN have claimed to witness or experience abuse. However, it fails to provide substantial evidence to support these allegations. Without verifiable proof, it becomes imperative to exercise caution and avoid drawing conclusions based solely on uncorroborated testimonies. The potential for misinformation or personal vendettas cannot be overlooked when evaluating such claims.

The credibility of the sources cited by openDemocracy is questionable. It is essential to evaluate the motives and biases of those making the accusations. The lack of a balanced representation, including perspectives from current members or individuals who had positive experiences within SCOAN, raises concerns about the objectivity of the investigation.

The article mentions a collaboration between openDemocracy and the BBC, which resulted in a documentary that serves as a basis for some of the claims made. However, it is crucial to note that this documentary has been discredited for fabrication and staging. The inaccuracies and false narratives presented in the documentary highlight the need for discernment when considering the allegations against Prophet TB Joshua and SCOAN. Relying on credible information and thorough investigations is paramount to ensure a fair judgment and prevent the dissemination of sensationalized narratives.

While the article focuses primarily on alleged abuses and criticisms, it overlooks the positive impact of Prophet TB Joshua’s ministry. His humanitarian efforts, charitable works, and positive influence on the lives of millions worldwide are integral parts of his legacy that deserve recognition. Ignoring these aspects presents an incomplete and biased portrayal of SCOAN and its founder. 

The article implies that the ministries established by former disciples of TB Joshua should be considered a threat. The question arises: what type of threat do these ministries pose? Are they scared these ministries may depopulate the LGBTQ+ community? And liberating the captives and breaking free their chains? The article’s perspective seems to overlook the positive contributions of these ministries, including fostering spiritual growth, providing community support, and engaging in charitable activities. However, these ministries might be perceived as threats only to the kingdom opposing them—the kingdom set to diminish in the face of God’s glory and divine influence.

Moreover, it is essential to recognize the broader impact of Prophet TB Joshua legacy beyond the false allegations highlighted in the openDemocracy article.

Prophet TB Joshua’s ministry was marked by a global reach, impacting millions of lives with its unique blend of Pentecostalism and televangelism. While acknowledging the challenges posed by former disgruntle disciples, it is equally important to appreciate the positive transformations reported by numerous individuals who have benefited from SCOAN’s teachings, healings, deliverances and prayers.

openDemocracy has highlighted Pastor Evelyn Joshua’s revival in Nairobi, Kenya, as if it were a cause for skepticism. However, it is crucial to recognize that Pastor Mummy Evelyn Joshua has been actively involved in continuing the ministry’s mission of healing and spiritual uplifting after the passing of her husband, Prophet TB Joshua.

The description of the event fails to acknowledge the genuine spiritual experiences that attendees encountered. The testimonies of divine healing and the display of faith should be seen in the context of the congregation’s deep connection with the teachings and principles established by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through Prophet TB Joshua during his lifetime.

More so, the decision to transition Emmanuel TV to a purely satellite and digital distribution model is a strategic move in alignment with the evolving media landscape. This shift does not diminish the authenticity of the ministry’s message but rather demonstrates an adaptation to contemporary means of reaching a global audience.

In essence, portraying Pastor Evelyn Joshua’s crusade in Nairobi, Kenya as questionable overlooks the sincere efforts to carry forward the spiritual legacy established by Prophet TB Joshua. It is essential to approach these narratives with an understanding of the broader context and the spiritual significance they hold for the SCOAN community in particular and the Christian community in general.

The article raises doubts about the authenticity of healing and deliverance videos featured on Emmanuel TV. While skepticism might be a healthy approach, it is important to avoid dismissing God’s ability to heal and deliver through His faithful servants. Such a hasty dismissal is misleading. It is crucial to acknowledge the diversity of beliefs and practices within the realm of the Christian faith. Just because one may not personally believe in something does not necessarily negate its truth or validity.

Furthermore, openDemocracy presents an account of John Chi’s ministry that raises questions about the authenticity of his spiritual practices and the connection with his mentor, Prophet TB Joshua. It is crucial to approach such assessments with discernment, acknowledging that spiritual experiences and beliefs are personal.

The article highlights similarities between John Chi’s ministry of the Ark of God’s Covenant and SCOAN, insinuating a replication of structure and practices. However, the shared characteristics could be attributed to a shared spiritual heritage rather than an attempt to imitate or capitalize on TB Joshua’s legacy. Spiritual mentorship often involves imparting principles and values, which might naturally manifest in the mentee’s ministry.

Acknowledging the resemblance in structure and sermons could be seen as a testament to the impactful teachings and methodologies instilled by Prophet TB Joshua during John Chi’s time at SCOAN. It’s not uncommon for disciples to carry forward the practices of their mentors, aiming to preserve the essence of the teachings that have positively influenced countless lives.

The mention of Ark of God’s Covenant London branch established in 2022 is a demonstration of the global reach and impact of John Chi’s ministry, paralleling the broader trend of churches expanding their influence through multiple locations. The presence of attendees and their experiences during services should be viewed in the context of their personal faith and belief systems.

John Chi’s acknowledgment of TB Joshua as a significant influence on his life is a recognition of the mentorship and guidance he received during his time at SCOAN. This sentiment is shared by many disciples who attribute their spiritual growth to the teachings and practices instilled by their mentors.

Likewise, openDemocracy’s portrayal of Prophet Chris of God’s Heart TV, raises concerns that need a balanced perspective. Chris, a UK national, founded his Pentecostal ministry after being a disciple of TB Joshua. While his digital reach has grown, focusing on TB Joshua’s teachings doesn’t necessarily imply exploitation.

God’s Heart TV’s emphasis on interactive prayer and healing sessions reflects a common aspect of Pentecostal ministries.

The article points out Brother Chris’s popularity in re-sharing TB Joshua content. This could be an acknowledgment of the impact TB Joshua had on Chris’s spiritual journey rather than an attempt to overshadow individuality.

Chris’s gratitude for his time at SCOAN, as mentioned on his website, is a personal expression of his spiritual journey. It doesn’t necessarily imply blind endorsement of every action by TB Joshua.

Regarding Tsakonidis, leveraging a relationship with TB Joshua doesn’t inherently suggest wrongdoing. The failure to publicly acknowledge false abuse allegations might be due to various reasons, and a fair assessment requires considering the broader context.

It is crucial to approach openDemocracy’s investigation—an advocate for the rights of homosexuals and lesbians—with a critical mindset. This involves considering potential biases, the absence of substantiated evidence, and ensuring an overall balance when presenting the legacy of Prophet TB Joshua. A fair and unbiased evaluation of the facts is paramount for an accurate understanding of the situation. Above all, let the spirit of God be our ultimate influencer. Turn to God in prayer to reveal to you the true identity of Prophet TB Joshua and what the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) represents.


Wiseman Daniel, The SCOAN, Emmanuel TV

Happy Birthday to my Mother in the Lord, Pastor Evelyn Joshua. Today is indeed a special day in your life and we are rejoicing here, there and everywhere around the world because of who you are in Christ Jesus.


May the Lord bless the womb that gave birth to you as the whole world and the entire SCOAN family celebrates your birthday. God bless you our mother, we are praying for you. Keep faith, keep strong and keep fit in this kingdom business as you continue to hold steadfastly to the mantle of SCOAN leadership given to you by divine providence, God Almighty Himself. God bless you, God bless the SCOAN family within and outside the country in Jesus’ name-Amen.

From your beloved son Wiseman Daniel.
Hip! Hip! Hip! Hurraay!

Video: Wiseman Daniel Birthday Message to Mummy Evelyn Joshua

Mummy Evelyn Joshua, Happy Birthday
Mummy Evelyn Joshua

Happy Birthday to Our Mother in the Lord, Mama Evelyn Joshua!

A virtuous woman! A woman born of faith! A courageous warrior! A beacon of love!

Yes, this is to a great leader!
Indeed, a mother for generations, Pastor Evelyn Joshua!

As you turn 54 years old, we celebrate your love and passion for God’s mission and vision. As you carry on with your dedication to God’s work, remember that those who are for you are more than those who are against you. At the dawn of this new age, we pray that our Lord Jesus Christ will continue to sustain and keep you in His eternal covenant of peace, power and Joy.

God bless your new age!Congratulations!🙏 Lord, l give You thanks!

Happy birthday, Pastor Evelyn Joshua!

Better is not good enough; the best is yet to come.

Wiseman Daniel Wishes Mummy Evelyn Happy Birthday

ELOHIM, SCOAN,EMMANUEL TV, Evelyn Joshua, TB Joshua, Wiseman Daniel
Happy Birthday Mummy Evelyn Joshua

Thank you Lord for your mercy. I know of a woman with a large heart, who expresses unconditional love to those who never wanted her to exist any longer; a woman who is ready to forgive and let go of offence and deep hurt; a woman who is ready to empty her pocket in order to put smile on the faces of the needy.

Happy 53rd birthday to you, our wonderful mother- Mummy Evelyn Joshua. We thank God Almighty for His effective love, care and supports over you, your children and the entire SCOAN family. The good Lord, who has brought you this far will continue to cover you under the shadow of His mercy, favour and protection. You have been a special leader, counselor and mother, not only to our wonderful Sister- Serah, Promise and Heart, but also to many around the world, and also to my humble self- Wiseman Daniel, as your spiritual son.

My humble prayer to you at this moment is that, as the fertile ground covers the earth, and as wonderful waters cover the seas, may God’s love continue to cover you. And may you continue to wax stronger in you leadership, accompanied with God’s wisdom, knowledge and understanding, that goes beyond human comprehension. And above all, God’s banner over you is the unconditional love of God, which you have shown, even to those who wished you bad. Happy birthday my wonderful mother. God bless you as you continue in this great commission from God upon your life.

Happy birthday mother of all nations. The good Lord is your strength! Amen!

Wiseman Daniel

Wiseman Daniel Prays for Mama Evelyn Joshua and The SCOAN

Wiseman Daniel, ELOHIM, TB Joshua, Evelyn Joshua

Wiseman Daniel who is among the Five Wise men raised by Prophet TB Joshua and the founder of the Everlasting Light of Hope International Ministry (ELOHIM) lead the congregation of his Church today, 12th Dec. 2021 to pray for Prophetess Evelyn Joshua and the SCOAN Family worldwide.

Wiseman Daniel who is always proud of his source recognized the fact that it was in the SCOAN he received the calling of God and the grace upon his life and ministry to become a Prophet to all nations.

Hence, he said emphatically as he lead his congregation in prayers that, “The SCOAN is my source and I cannot forget that!”

We remember that last week Sunday, December 5, 2021, Wiseman Daniel with his other colleague of wise men, Harry, John Chi, Christopher and Racine were in the SCOAN to join forces with Mama Evelyn Joshua for a powerful reunion and thanksgiving service in honour of Prophet TB Joshua.

During the service, Mama Evelyn Joshua recognized the Five Wise Men. Thanking them for their continued support and loyalty to the Church of their spiritual Father, the Synagogue, Church of all Nations (SCOAN) and she prayed for God to continually use them mightily and increase the Wise Men in their respective ministerial endeavours in Jesus’ Name!! Amen!!

Since he founded his ministry, God has been using the Man of God, Daniel powerfully just as his mentor senior Prophet TB Joshua. To heal the sick and deliver those in captive. While those who are in darkness are brought forth into the marvellous Light of Christ.

The ELOHIM Ministry is also known for its works of Charity. The man of God, Wise Man Daniel also go about meeting the needs of the orphans and the less privileged in the society. He does this by visiting the gathering of the homeless and presenting to them free essential food and cash gift. And this he those with all sense of humility and kindness.

The Everlasting Light of Hope Ministry (ELOHIM) is presently situated at the VELODROME MAIN BOWL. MOSHOOD ABIOLA NATIONAL STADIUM. FIRST GATE, BY THE INNER DRIVE IN CITY GATE. FCT, ABUJA and it is there that Wiseman Daniel conducts his everyday live Sunday services.

Even if you cannot be present in person at the main Church auditorium, you can join Wiseman Daniel and fellowship with him online live through the ELOHIM Ministry official Social media pages on Facebook: and YouTube: . You can as well contact them on their WhatsApp Number and email: +234-704-094-5007, +234-904-882-4874 and