Defending the Legacy: Chris and Gina Speak Out on Prophet TB Joshua and SCOAN

In the wake of recent falsehood against Prophet TB Joshua and The Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) in a fabricated and staged BBC documentary, Chris and his wife Gina, a former disciple, have come forward to share their personal experiences. Chris, speaking passionately, begins by recounting his transformative journey with SCOAN, initiated by an evangelist’s gift of anointing water in 2011 or 2012. Struggling with mental illness, addiction, and depression, Chris found healing through the anointing water, emphasizing that Prophet TB Joshua did not advise him to stop his medication.

Chris’s life took a positive turn after his encounter with SCOAN, leading him to work with Emanuel TV USA. He expresses gratitude for the opportunities to travel the world, attend crusades, and experience financial blessings facilitated by Prophet TB Joshua. He underscores that Prophet TB Joshua always acknowledged being a vessel, not the ultimate healer or deliverer.

Gina, Chris’s wife, shares her testimony, highlighting that she joined SCOAN as a virgin and left as one, debunking false allegations of sexual abuse. She commends Prophet TB Joshua as a loving and caring spiritual father, refuting the falsehood made in the BBC documentary.

The couple addresses the impact of false accusations on their lives, stressing their unwavering support for Prophet TB Joshua, SCOAN, and Emmanuel TV. Chris passionately defends the integrity of Prophet TB Joshua, emphasizing the positive changes in their lives through the ministry.

In the face of adversity, the couple urges viewers to seek the truth, pray, and trust the Holy Spirit to reveal the reality. They stand united in support of Prophet TB Joshua, emphasizing that their lives have been positively transformed through SCOAN.

Watch the full speech on YouTube and Rumble:

Exposing Deception: Former Church Member Stephen Amponsom Shares Shocking Testimony

In a riveting revelation, former member Stephen Amponsom, along with his wife Amella Campbell Amponsom, based in Los Angeles California, exposes a disturbing incident of deception and fraud involving Bisola, one of the accusers in the recent BBC documentary targeting Prophet TB Joshua and The Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN).

Stephen Amponsom begins his account by narrating a life-changing experience at The Synagogue Church of All Nations. In 1987, plagued by a severe illness and a deteriorating mental state, Amponsom sought solace in Nigeria. Despite futile attempts at finding a cure in various churches, it was his encounter with a spiritual woman that eventually led him to The SCOAN. Amponsom vividly describes the healing he experienced under the ministry of Prophet TB Joshua. A man on the brink of mental collapse found complete restoration through the prayers and healing touch of the renowned pastor.

The story takes a dark turn as Amponsom delves into the accusations against Bisola, a former member of The SCOAN. According to Amponsom, he became entangled in a fraudulent scheme orchestrated by Bisola and another individual named Theo Ukpa.

Bisola, claiming to be a representative of TB Joshua, deceived Amponsom and his wife into sending $2,000 and expensive clothing, believing the gifts were destined for the church. Shockingly, it was later revealed that Prophet TB Joshua never received these contributions, and Bisola was no longer associated with The Synagogue Church.

Stephen Amponsom issues a stern warning to the public, urging caution and discernment. He declares Bisola as a fraudulent individual, using the name of the Prophet to exploit the unsuspecting faithful. Amponsom emphasizes that the deceit goes beyond personal experiences, as he believes Bisola has been deceiving others for financial gain.

Amponsom takes a moment to express his deep gratitude to TB Joshua for the profound impact the ministry had on his life. He credits the anointing and prayers of the pastor for his healing and restoration, emphasizing that he is just one among many who have witnessed miracles at The Synagogue, Church of All Nations.

For an in-depth account of Stephen Amponsom’s shocking testimony and the warning against Bisola, watch the full video on YouTube. The video provides a comprehensive insight into the deceptive practices and the personal experiences of those affected.

As controversies continue to surround the failed fabricated and staged-managed BBC documentary on TB Joshua and The Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Stephen Amponsom’s testimony sheds light on the complexities and challenges faced by former members. The call for discernment and vigilance resonates throughout his account, emphasizing the need to separate genuine accusations from fraudulent activities.


Wiseman Daniel, Zambia, spiritual encounter

Are you seeking a life-changing spiritual encounter? Look no further! An extraordinary opportunity awaits you in Zambia. Get ready to meet Wiseman Daniel, the esteemed spiritual leader of ELOHIM Ministry, and prepare yourself for a transformative experience like no other. On the 11th and 12th of August 2023, the National Heroes Stadium in Lusaka, Zambia, will be the epicenter of a remarkable event that promises to bring you closer to Jesus Christ and ignite your faith.

Wiseman Daniel is a renowned figure with a profound gift for prophecy, healing, and deliverance. His ministry has touched the lives of countless individuals worldwide, providing hope, healing, and spiritual awakening to those in need. Now, you have the chance to experience his divine anointing firsthand.

The National Heroes Stadium, a prestigious venue known for hosting significant events, will provide an awe-inspiring backdrop for this momentous gathering. As you enter its doors, you’ll be enveloped by an atmosphere of anticipation and reverence, knowing that something extraordinary is about to happen.

To fully immerse yourself in this life-altering experience, make sure to register for the Prayerline at the Zambia Institute of Special Education Building. Located on Plot No. 4890, Mkushi Road, Kamwala, Off Chilumbulu Road, Zambia, the registration process will take place from the 29th of July to the 9th of August 2023. Don’t miss this opportunity to secure your place and prepare your heart for the divine encounter that awaits you.

Throughout Wiseman Daniel’s ministry, countless lives have been transformed. Testimonies of physical healings, emotional restoration, financial breakthroughs, and spiritual enlightenment pour in from those who have encountered the power of God through him. This event serves as a platform for you to witness and be part of these awe-inspiring testimonies firsthand.

You won’t be alone on this journey. The event will gather faithful souls from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and nations, all united in their desire to encounter the living presence of Jesus Christ. Together, you’ll create an atmosphere of unity, love, and unwavering faith, forging connections that transcend boundaries.

Mark your calendars, spread the word, and get ready for an unforgettable experience. Wiseman Daniel’s visit to Zambia is a rare opportunity to deepen your faith, seek divine guidance, and encounter the transformative power of Jesus Christ. Don’t let this moment pass you by.

Please stay updated by consulting official sources or reaching out to the event organizers. Prepare your heart, open your mind, and embrace this opportunity to meet Wiseman Daniel in Zambia. Get ready to embark on a remarkable journey of faith, healing, and divine revelation. See you there!

Testimony: Rhode Healed Of Lump in Breast

Testimony, Wiseman Daniel, ELOHIM

Mrs. Rhoda, who ran to The ELOHIM due to the problem of lump in her left breast, received a touch from Jesus Himself through the vessel of His servant, Wiseman Daniel.

Immediately after receiving prayers from the man of God, the lump disappeared! Skeptical, she went back home to check herself and also went back to the doctor who had diagnosed her of the problem.

Elohim, Wiseman Daniel, Testimony

The results came back and hallelujah, it was negative – No more lump!

Not only did Mrs. Rhoda receive her healing, her daughter, Sharon, who received a prophecy from the man of God also testified of the delivering power of the prophecy which had to do with her academic life.

Prior to the prophecy, she was unable to concentrate and she suffered from depression and faced a lot of mental challenges.

Elohim, Testimony

After the prayers and the use of the dew from heaven, the problem of lack of concentration, depression and so on is now a thing of the past.

With smiles radiating brilliantly from her face, she shows the results of the external examinations she took afterwards and hallelujah, Jesus has indeed taken charge!

Sources: Wiseman Daniel Ministries Facebook