Wiseman John Chi Responds to Allegations in the BBC Fabricated Documentary on Prophet TB Joshua and SCOAN

In the wake of the recent fabricated and stage-managed falsehood BBC documentary on Prophet TB Joshua and the Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Wiseman John Chi, a trusted disciple, has stepped forward to address the allegations. In his response, Wiseman John Chi shares personal insights, defending the legacy of his mentor and shedding light on his own spiritual journey.

Wiseman John Chi starts by showing the Prophecy of December 31st 2023 emphasizing the importance of relying on divine guidance in navigating life’s challenges. He reminds us that the earth is a reflection of God’s domain, setting the stage for his response to the accusations against Prophet TB Joshua and SCOAN.

Expressing concern over what he calls a “campaign of slander,” Wiseman John Chi highlights his unease with the motivations behind the attacks on Prophet TB Joshua. Disputing the perceived falsehoods spread against his spiritual father.

Sharing his personal evolution within SCOAN, Wiseman John Chi details his journey from a humble builder, then an Evangelist to a wise man and later an apostle. He attributes his growth to the teachings and guidance of Prophet TB Joshua, painting a picture of the positive impact experienced by himself and others.

Central to Wiseman John Chi’s response is the emphasis on the strength of God’s Word. He urges believers to be discerning in what they hear and read, advocating for a reliance on the Word of God as a standard for life amidst a world filled with misinformation.

Wiseman John Chi’s response serves not only as a show of his loyalty to his mentor, Prophet TB Joshua and SCOAN but also as an evidence to the enduring impact of a spiritual legacy. As we step into the Year, his words encourage believers to reflect on their faith, the influence of external voices, and the enduring power of divine guidance.

For those looking for a deeper understanding, Wiseman John Chi’s full response can be viewed on YouTube:

Wiseman Daniel Stands Strong: Defending Prophet TB Joshua Against BBC Allegations

In the wake of the controversial fabricated and stage-managed BBC documentary on Prophet TB Joshua and the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Wiseman Daniel, a devoted disciple and minister of the Everlasting Light of Hope Ministry (ELOHIM), breaks his silence.

Wiseman Daniel, a seasoned Prophet of God and a loyal disciple of Prophet TB Joshua, addresses the recent storm surrounding his mentor. His powerful speech not only defends Prophet TB Joshua against the allegations but also sheds light on the challenges faced by true ministers of God.

Daniel emphasizes that a genuine calling by God often involves betrayals, hatred, envy, and jealousy. True ministers of God, following the path of Jesus Christ, can expect such challenges.

He asserts that answering the divine call means drawing a battle line with Satan and his agents. A calling from God places one in covenant with Him, and any allegiance to the world keeps one tied to Satan.

Having lived with Prophet TB Joshua, Wiseman Daniel shares his purpose – to stand for the truth, serve, and gain invaluable experience for his own journey.

Daniel paints a vivid picture of Prophet TB Joshua as a man born with genuine love, demonstrated through compassion, generosity, and forgiveness. Despite financial constraints in his early life, Prophet TB Joshua prioritized others’ well-being.

Describing his mentor as a patient and humble man, Daniel highlights Prophet TB Joshua’s unwavering dedication to the word of God. Despite numerous titles and awards, humility defined his character.

Wiseman Daniel expresses dismay at those who, once beneficiaries of Prophet TB Joshua’s labor, now speak against him. He urges gratitude for the Synagogue Church of All Nations, emphasizing that none came into SCOAN complete, all arriving with their unique challenges.

Daniel cautions that deliverance is only possible for those with a sincere motive. Those with demonic intentions may not find relief in the presence of a true man of God.

Using a powerful analogy, Wiseman Daniel notes that the current controversies are like fighting the smoke while the firewood continues to burn. He urges understanding and spiritual discernment in comprehending the unfolding events.

As the controversy surrounding the BBC fabricated falsehood against Prophet TB Joshua and the SCOAN persists, Wiseman Daniel’s speech adds a personal and insightful perspective. His words echo the sentiments of many loyal followers, defending the legacy and integrity of a man they consider a true prophet of God. May God bless his words and guide those seeking the truth.

Watch the full Video of the service he made his speech on YouTube: