Unveiling the Truth: Racheal’s Controversial Journey within SCOAN – A Closer Look

In this exploration, we delve into the narrative surrounding Racheal, one of the accusers featured in the controversial staged and fabricated BBC documentary targeting Prophet TB Joshua and the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN). Understanding her background sheds light on the complexities of the accusations and the motivations behind her actions.

Racheal’s familial context becomes crucial in comprehending her trajectory. Her father, Nicholas Holmes, assumes significance in this narrative, as his role becomes instrumental in her eventual departure from SCOAN and the adoption of a blasphemous stance. Racheal embarked on her SCOAN journey seeking deliverance. However, what remains undisclosed is the reason she remained under the stronghold of her demon, now Legions even after her first deliverance.

The reasons for Racheal’s journey to SCOAN was a deeply ingrained problem known at the SCOAN as the ‘Spirit of Women,’ manifesting as an attraction to individuals of the same sex (Lesbianism). Seeking a solution, her family took her to SCOAN for spiritual intervention and deliverance. Following the deliverance sessions with Prophet TB Joshua, Racheal experienced a transformation—her previously intense desires for individuals of the same gender come to an end. Filled with gratitude for this newfound freedom, she expressed her interest in becoming a disciple at SCOAN’s headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria.

Prophet TB Joshua, trusting in Racheal’s sincerity, transformation and show of genuine repentance, accepted her as a disciples and bestowed upon her numerous responsibilities within SCOAN. Her commitment and devotion were acknowledged as she was anointed as a Junior Prophet, attaining the second-highest rank in SCOAN’s hierarchy under Prophet TB Joshua. This elevation showcased the level of trust and goodwill the Prophet extended to Racheal.

However, unknown to everyone, a sinister plot was unfolding. Racheal, in collaboration with her father, who held a position in the accounting department as the head, was clandestinely orchestrating the embezzlement of church funds from the SCOAN London branch in the UK. The very trust bestowed upon her by the Prophet was exploited for personal gain, revealing a hidden agenda that would later impacted Racheal profoundly.

How Racheal Loses her Deliverance – The Sins Of The Father

Despite undergoing deliverance that seemingly freed Racheal from her struggles with same-sex attraction, a disconcerting chapter emerged when reports surfaced of her engaging in sexual molestation of fellow female disciples within their living quarters at the SCOAN. Disturbed by these revelations, the affected individuals brought the matter to Prophet TB Joshua’s attention, prompting swift action.

In response to the reports, Prophet TB Joshua decided to send Racheal back to her parents in the UK. Acknowledging her repentance and plea to return, she was eventually welcomed back into the Church. However, Prophet TB Joshua, still perplexed by the recurrence of Racheal’s previous behavior, initiated an inquiry that would unearth a shocking revelation.

The Prophet discovered a deeply troubling collaboration between Racheal and her father, Mr. Nicholas Holmes, who held a significant position as the head of the SCOAN UK branch’s accounting department. It was unveiled that they were embezzling funds meant for the SCOAN UK branch, with Mr. Holmes allegedly indulging in extravagant lifestyle that he was found of purchasing new car often during this illicit collaboration.

Prophet TB Joshua, in response to this breach of trust and financial malfeasance, made the decision to remove Mr. Nicholas Holmes from the accounting department, replacing him with another individual, Mr. Samuel Durojaye. This decisive action, however, triggered a vehement reaction from Racheal. Fiercely loyal to her father, she adamantly declared that if her father was to be removed from his position, she would sever ties with the ministry of Prophet TB Joshua.

Racheal Now Rae, Enthralled by Legions of Darkness

“When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.”

Mathew 12:23-45 (NIV)

In the aftermath of this conflict, Racheal left SCOAN without undergoing the second deliverance she so evidently required. The scripture make use to understand in Matthew 12:43-45 (NIV) that a person can lose her deliverance due to sin and be repossessed by even more and worst demons. Racheal presently is under the influence of legions of demons – Possessed by the Multitudes of Infernal Spirits far worse than before her coming to the SCOAN. Contrary to her claim that SCOAN’s deliverance is ineffective, the underlying motive for her departure was her vehement objection to her father’s removal from the accounting department.

It is crucial to dispel the narrative propagated by Racheal, emphasizing that her lack of deliverance was not due to any inherent flaw in the deliverances taken place in the SCOAN. Instead, Racheal departure was fueled by a sinful pursuit of financial gain by her and her father, Mr. Nicholas Holmes, a betrayal of the trust bestowed upon them by Prophet TB Joshua.

Amidst these campaign of calumny against Prophet TB Joshua and The SCOAN, it is imperative for the world to discern the truth from the falsehoods presented by Racheal. The testimonies of numerous individuals within SCOAN who have experienced genuine healing and deliverance stand as a testament to the authenticity of the ministry. Let the fruits of SCOAN’s impact speak louder than the distortions created by one individual’s misguided actions. Healing and deliverance are real and authentic for those who believe and seek them with genuine hearts.

This revelation invites us to question the motivations behind Racheal’s accusations and whether her actions were driven by a genuine disillusionment with SCOAN or if they were influenced by personal vendettas and concealed intentions.

Below are some videos testimonies of individuals who experienced deliverance from the same spirit that Racheal claimed she did not find deliverance from at the SCOAN:

Evangelist Justine Rebuts BBC Documentary: Unveiling Truths About TB Joshua and SCOAN

In response to the recent fabricated and stage-managed BBC documentary targeting Prophet TB Joshua and The Synagogue Church of all Nations (SCOAN), former disciple Justin from Australia has come forward to share his 13-year journey with the ministry. In a compelling video, Justin addresses and refutes the allegations presented in the documentary, providing a firsthand account of his experiences and seeking to counter the narrative of defamation.

Having joined SCOAN in 2006 after witnessing the Australia for Christ Crusade, Justin abandoned a promising career in professional golf to dedicate 13 years of his life to serving God under Prophet TB Joshua. From his initial roles in the Youth Department to later serving as the prophet’s personal secretary, Justin gained a deep understanding of the ministry’s operations and witnessed countless instances of faith, healing, and transformation.

Justin vehemently denies claims of disciples being recorded while having showers, dismissing it as a baseless attempt to paint Prophet TB Joshua and SCOAN as a cult. He refutes the absurd notion that disciples needed passes from Prophet TB Joshua’s office to use the toilet, labeling it as a ridiculous statement with no basis in reality.

He clarifies that the use of “daddy” was a cultural norm in Nigeria and not imposed by Prophet TB Joshua, emphasizing its context within the local culture. Justin also dispels allegations of mistreatment within the five-story apartment, addressing claims of inappropriate actions by Prophet TB Joshua as coordinated attacks on the prophet’s character.

On the topic of sexual abuse, Justin strongly disagrees with allegations, asserting that they do not align with the reality he witnessed during his tenure at SCOAN. He attests to the authenticity of healing miracles at SCOAN, providing insights into the meticulous process of documenting testimonies and rejecting claims of staged miracles.

Justin acknowledges that not everyone experienced instant healing in the prayer line, emphasizing that supernatural healing is subject to God’s will and timing. He shares firsthand insights into the adoption of Prophet TB Joshua’s daughter, refuting any rumors surrounding her background.

Justin also clarifies the family relationship between Chloe and Chris, referring to them as biological siblings. Addressing the building collapse in 2014, he states that it was a controlled demolition orchestrated by external forces. He credits CCTV footage for capturing the incident, reports from security service around the world and refutes claims that Prophet TB Joshua was involved.

In conclusion, Justin’s video serves as a passionate defense of Prophet TB Joshua and SCOAN against the allegations presented in the BBC documentary. He urges viewers to seek the truth and form opinions based on accurate information, calling the documentary an attack on the body of Christ.

Watch the full video below and gain a deeper understanding of Justin’s experiences and perspective during his years at SCOAN.

Wiseman John Chi Responds to Allegations in the BBC Fabricated Documentary on Prophet TB Joshua and SCOAN

In the wake of the recent fabricated and stage-managed falsehood BBC documentary on Prophet TB Joshua and the Synagogue, Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Wiseman John Chi, a trusted disciple, has stepped forward to address the allegations. In his response, Wiseman John Chi shares personal insights, defending the legacy of his mentor and shedding light on his own spiritual journey.

Wiseman John Chi starts by showing the Prophecy of December 31st 2023 emphasizing the importance of relying on divine guidance in navigating life’s challenges. He reminds us that the earth is a reflection of God’s domain, setting the stage for his response to the accusations against Prophet TB Joshua and SCOAN.

Expressing concern over what he calls a “campaign of slander,” Wiseman John Chi highlights his unease with the motivations behind the attacks on Prophet TB Joshua. Disputing the perceived falsehoods spread against his spiritual father.

Sharing his personal evolution within SCOAN, Wiseman John Chi details his journey from a humble builder, then an Evangelist to a wise man and later an apostle. He attributes his growth to the teachings and guidance of Prophet TB Joshua, painting a picture of the positive impact experienced by himself and others.

Central to Wiseman John Chi’s response is the emphasis on the strength of God’s Word. He urges believers to be discerning in what they hear and read, advocating for a reliance on the Word of God as a standard for life amidst a world filled with misinformation.

Wiseman John Chi’s response serves not only as a show of his loyalty to his mentor, Prophet TB Joshua and SCOAN but also as an evidence to the enduring impact of a spiritual legacy. As we step into the Year, his words encourage believers to reflect on their faith, the influence of external voices, and the enduring power of divine guidance.

For those looking for a deeper understanding, Wiseman John Chi’s full response can be viewed on YouTube:

A Disciple’s Perspective: Frank Harvey Logan Speaks Out in Support of TB Joshua on BBC Documentary

Responding to the recent fabricated and stage-managed BBC documentary on Prophet TB Joshua, Frank Harvey Logan, a former disciple and founder of “Faith Hope & Love Ministries” in the USA, voices his unwavering support for his mentor. Stressing the divine nature of his spiritual journey, Logan shares insights into his transformative experience at The Synagogue Church of all Nations (SCOAN).

Logan dismisses the documentary’s accusations, encouraging believers to seek the spirit of truth in a world full of deception. He narrates a personal story emphasizing the importance of staying focused on one’s goals, reminiscent of Philippians 4:13.

Joining SCOAN in 2011, Logan highlights his significant personal transformation, embracing a life of celibacy. He refutes claims of faked miracles, attesting to the genuine supernatural power of God at SCOAN.

Living as a volunteer worker in the church, Logan appreciates the challenges of dormitory life, handwashing clothes, and receiving a weekly allowance. Notably, he dispels misconceptions by sharing that his wife joined the SCOAN’s discipleship as a virgin at 16 and left as a virgin at 30, countering any insinuations about Prophet TB Joshua inappropriate relationships with female disciples.

In a powerful conclusion, Logan encourages believers not to let their focus be broken by the enemy’s deception. He urges everyone to continue winning souls for Christ through the power of faith, hope, and love.

Watch the full speech on YouTube: