Unmasking Deception: The Truth Behind Jessica’s BBC Conflicting Testimonies

In the aftermath of the false and stage-managed BBC documentary on Prophet TB Joshua and the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), numerous testimonies and evidences have emerged, shedding light on the authenticity of the claims made against the renowned ministry. One such testimony involves Jessica, a key figure in the documentary, whose conflicting statements during a deliverance session have raised questions about the accuracy of her allegations in the false documentary series.

Evangelist Nelson of the Light Of Hope TV has taken the initiative to scrutinize Jessica’s statements and expose what he believes to be lies propagated by the actors and actresses in the BBC-produced film. With over 12 years of mentorship under Prophet TB Joshua, Evangelist Nelson aims to present evidence that challenges the credibility of the documentary.

In the BBC documentary, Jessica presented herself as a virgin, claiming innocence and professing ignorance about the concept of lust. However, Evangelist Nelson unveils an exclusive video capturing Jessica undergoing a deliverance session at SCOAN, where an entirely different narrative unfolds. In this powerful moment of scriptural deliverance, Jessica confesses to harboring the spirit of lust and admits to being promiscuous, drawing parallels between herself and a dog.

This video documentation mirrors the biblical accounts of Jesus casting out demons during His earthly ministry. Jessica, evidently under the influence of the Holy Ghost, confesses to the destructive spiritual influences that allegedly dictated her behavior.

Evangelist Nelson draws attention to the glaring disparity between Jessica’s two narratives, emphasizing the contradiction between her professed innocence and her admission of promiscuity during the deliverance session. He underscores the significance of scriptural deliverance and the transformative power of the Holy Ghost in exposing the truth.

As viewers, it is incumbent upon us to scrutinize the evidence objectively and render judgments based on verifiable facts. Evangelist Nelson advocates for a discerning approach, urging everyone to “make sure of all things and take hold of that which is true.” This echoes the biblical principle of seeking the truth that sets one free.

In the midst of emotional portrayals and scripted narratives, the call is for objectivity, commitment to the truth, and a refusal to be swayed by theatrical performances. The evidence presented challenges the credibility of Jessica’s testimony, prompting questions about the intentions and influences behind those disgruntle elements in the BBC documentary.

Watch the Full Video on YouTube:

Day 2 Zambia for Christ Crusade with Wiseman Daniel: A Continuation of Miracles and Divine Encounters

The excitement remains palpable as the dawn of Day 2 arrives at the Zambia for Christ Crusade with Wiseman Daniel. The National Heroes Stadium once again becomes the epicenter of divine manifestations and spiritual transformation. The crowd gathers early, ready to experience the continued outpouring of God’s blessings and miracles.

The international visitors, filled with joy and anticipation, embody the collective hope that this day brings. The atmosphere is charged with an aura of expectation, a sense that something incredible is about to unfold. As the worshippers take their places, they do so with the understanding that today is a day of divine appointments and divine interventions.

The host, Apostle John, sets the tone for the day with a message of reconciliation and restoration. He reminds the congregation that the heart is where God plants His seed, where the transformative power of Jesus Christ is deposited. The analogy of the prodigal son resonates deeply – the journey back to God’s embrace, the realization of being found in Christ, and the understanding that forgiveness and love are central to God’s plan.

Wiseman Daniel, driven by divine guidance, delivers a powerful message centered around the concept of the “Place of Calvary.” This is a place of divine reconciliation, where God’s love and grace bridge the gap between humanity and the Creator. The benefits of this sacred place include healing, deliverance, salvation, and blessings. Wiseman Daniel emphasizes that these benefits are not granted by him, but by God Himself.

Even before the official commencement of the day’s activities, the power of God is evident. Instant healings begin to unfold as attendees experience liberation from various afflictions. The atmosphere is electric with the energy of faith, prayer, and divine intervention. As Wiseman Daniel moves through the crowd, touching and praying for individuals, the manifestation of God’s power is undeniable.

As the mass prayer ensues, the stadium resonates with declarations of freedom, deliverance, and healing. Chains are broken, sicknesses are vanquished, and lives are transformed. The stage is set for a continuation of the miraculous, a continuation of the outpouring of God’s grace.

Throughout the day, the stories of healing, deliverance, and transformation continue to pour in. Nataize Masenge, a young girl plagued by scoliosis, experiences a miraculous healing. Christine Banda, who suffered from severe pain after a COVID-19 vaccine, receives instant relief. Rosemary Lungo, who struggled to walk, walks freely after a touch from Wiseman Daniel.

Wiseman Daniel’s ministry is marked not only by his anointed words but also by his actions. He dances in celebration of the remarkable acts taking place – healings, deliverances, and divine encounters that change lives forever. The presence of Jesus Christ is tangible, and the congregation basks in His glory.

As the Zambia for Christ Crusade draws to a close, Wiseman Daniel extends his gratitude to all who have been part of this extraordinary journey. The transformation witnessed within the stadium’s walls, the liberation from afflictions, and the miracles that have unfolded are a testament to the power of God and the unwavering faith of the believers.

The Zambia for Christ Crusade with Wiseman Daniel is not just an event; it’s a spiritual revolution. It’s a profound display of the boundless love of God, the transformative power of faith, and the manifestation of miracles in the lives of those who believe. The impact of this crusade will continue to resonate in the lives of those who have been touched by God’s grace. As the echoes of praise and worship fade, the testimonies of healing and transformation will remain etched in the hearts of the attendees. The Zambia for Christ Crusade is a testament to the unshakable foundation of faith, the eternal presence of God, and the promise that His power knows no bounds.

Day 1 Zambia for Christ Crusade with Wiseman Daniel: A Journey of Miracles and Transformation

Day 1 Zambia for Christ Crusade with Wiseman Daniel: A Journey of Miracles and Transformation

The long-awaited day has finally dawned upon us. The National Heroes Stadium in Lusaka is flooded with expectant souls, eagerly anticipating the first day of the Zambia for Christ Crusade with Wiseman Daniel. With hearts filled with faith, they enter the stadium, believing that their entrance today will not be the same as their exit by the end of this remarkable day.

A diverse assembly of believers from across Zambia and different corners of the continent have gathered to partake in this divine convergence. With excitement and readiness to receive the touch of God through His vessel, Wiseman Daniel. The atmosphere is charged with an aura of expectancy, as attendees anticipate the profound transformations that God is about to work in their lives.

The diversity of nationalities present enhances the unity of purpose. The followers and believers, driven by the common grace entrusted upon Wiseman Daniel by the Almighty, have journeyed from Southern Africa to gather under the banner of the Zambia for Christ Crusade. The fervent belief that God’s power transcends geographical boundaries is palpable.

To those joining from around the world, remember that distance is no obstacle for the omnipresent power of God. The stadium, packed to capacity and beyond, resonates with the collective energy of believers. They are here not merely as spectators, but as witnesses to the divine move of the Spirit of God. ELOHIM’s presence is undeniable; it fills every corner, ready to pour blessings and miracles upon those in attendance.

Apostle Jacob, the Zambian host, encapsulates the essence of this spiritual journey with the powerful words, “Before expectation, there is anticipation.” He urges everyone to hold fast to their faith, to expect miracles, and to let go of any doubts. The anticipation is met with a revelation that God has blessings in store for each individual, a promise that holds true for those gathered in the stadium and for those connected from afar.

The air is electric with worship, praise, and fervent prayers as Wiseman Daniel takes the stage to minister. He opens a gateway to the place of Calvary, the divine intersection between God and humanity through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Attendees are reminded that this place offers healing, deliverance, salvation, and blessings. The benefits are not bestowed by Wiseman Daniel, but by God Himself.

Testimonies of miraculous healings and transformations abound. Mrs. Veronica Baitsheni from Namibia shares her journey from a place of physical limitations to freedom. Mrs. Sukoluhle and her family recount their deliverance from spiritual bondage. Ms. Betty Motsisi’s story of deafness being replaced by healing echoes with the power of God’s touch. Mrs. Ednard Mboya’s journey from lumbar scoliosis to liberation is a testament to God’s healing hand.

The atmosphere is charged with prayers, praises, and prophecies. The power of healing flows as Wiseman Daniel lays hands on the sick. The stadium reverberates with spiritual energy as the masses pray for the nation’s deliverance from afflictions and bondages.

The Zambia for Christ Crusade with Wiseman Daniel is more than an event; it’s a spiritual awakening. It’s a testament to the boundless power of faith and the limitless reach of God’s grace. Lives are transformed, chains are broken, and testimonies of God’s goodness and miracles are witnessed by all.

As Day 2 approaches, the fervor intensifies. Attendees prepare their hearts for another day of divine encounters, believing that God’s power will continue to flow and change lives. The Zambia for Christ Crusade is a beacon of hope, a celebration of faith, and a reminder that the power of God is at work, transcending boundaries and transforming lives.

Day 2 Zambia for Christ Crusade with Wiseman Daniel: A Continuation of Miracles and Divine Encounters